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"Is it running?" I asked as I fitted with the camera. Once I was sure everything was all set, I stepped out from behind it and waved awkwardly.

On my face was a fairly expensive mask that I had gotten to deal with smoke when working. My bad lungs made it impossible to breath otherwise.

"Hello everyone!" I said calmly. "I hope everyone is doing alright in these uncertain times."

Yelling erupts in the background. Soon after, my door busts open revealing Liliana shouting at Shadow, who is just calmly taking it.

"EVERYONE GETS SICK!!! WEAR THE DAMN MASK ALREADY!!!" Liliana screamed while trying to force a face-mask onto Shadow.

"I told you time and time again. I cannot fall ill. My body functions far different than a normal person's." Shadow said while casually dodging Liliana's attempts. He looked at me. "Author, mind explaining to this poor misguided Angel that I'm immune to this virus?"

Liliana turned to me. "And care to tell this delusional Demon that he CAN get sick like the rest of us!"

Why did this have to happen now of all times!

I let out a sigh before I began. "In a way, you're both right and wrong. Yes, Shadow can get sick-"

"HA!" Liliana laughed. "I told you you could get sick! NOW PUT ON THE DAMN MASK ALREADY!!!"

"Ahem!" I tried to get her attention again. Once I had confirm she was listening to me, I continued. "Now then. Before I was interrupted, I was going to say that he will never stay sick for very long. A few hours max."

Liliana stared at me for a while before replying. "Soooo... what does that mean exactly?"

I let out a sigh. "It means you're both right and wrong."

"..." Liliana slowly look at Shadow, and he to her. She held up the mask. "Put it on!"

Shadow gave her a tired glance before giving in. "Fine..."

Liliana smirked and promptly shoved the mask into Shadow's face. Shadow simply pushed that mask away while placing his other hand over his lower face. Black crystals grow across his lower face and cover his mouth, creating a more effective mask.

Liliana glared at him. "Ass..."

I quietly laughed to myself as I turned back towards the camera.

"Now then, before I'm interrupted again, I hope everyone is staying safe. I have an important announcement to make as well. Starting Dece-"

Before I can finish someone tackled me from behind. I was able to prevent myself from falling but what happened next caught me off guard.

"Darling~" a soft voice tickled my ear.

"F-Felynna!" I stuttered nervously, "I didn't expect to see you today!"

"You never expect anything of me..." Felynna pouted.

I calm my nerves and smile, reaching back and patting Felynna on the head. "I don't expect anything of you, because I no longer know what to expect from you."

Felynna rubbed against my neck. "Everyone who watches the events of our world, I have something to say." She rested her chin on my shoulder, which was a little uncomfortable for me. "The author will be attending a Trade School in December. The Universal Technical Institution, or UTI for short!" I hit her on the head.

"Ow!! Why'd you do that?!" She said, tears in the corners of her eyes. Her hands holding the spot I hit.

Shadow spoke up. "Was that really necessary? Couldn't you just ha-" Liliana jabbed her elbow into his stomach.


I ignore them and turn around. I softly wrap my arms around Felynna. "I didn't mean to harm you. It's just that I was supposed to reveal that."

She looked up into my eyes. "...kiss it better..."

"Hmm? Sorry, say again?"

"Kiss it better!"

I was about to deny her, then thought for a moment and gave in. I lightly press my lips against her forehead.

When I had finished, she wrapped her arms around me and buried her head into my chest.

Suddenly. "DADDY!!!!"

At the doorway is a young Wolf-Kin girl named Nakkakika. She is Shadow's adopted daughter. Her speech is still a WIP, but she's making progress.

Nakkakika looked at the camera I'd set up. A smile spreads across her face. "PRETTY!!!"

She ran past all of us and jumped at the camera. We all yelled but it was too late. She had already tackled and bro-

Date: 08-02-2020/01:26

Demon Blood: Chains of FateWhere stories live. Discover now