Chapter 1

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The lights flicker to life all at once, which is kind of blinding. Almost everyone winced at the same time.

"Tomorrow you will take an exam to see what rank you'll be and what classes you'll attend for the next 8 years, but if you score too low then you will not be accepted or be expelled from the school. Each semester you will take another exam to determine what rank you'll be then. Yes, it is possible to to rank down" He says "Any questions?"

"Yeah, what does rank have to do with anything?" Someone yelled from the back of the room.

"Your dorm, depending on your rank, you'll be assigned to a dorm with a curtain room size. The lower the rank, the smaller the room but the higher the rank, the bigger the room." he looks at everyone in the room with a serious expression "Do any of you believe in Magic? If so walk to the right side of the room and those who don't, the left" I walk to the right because of that thing that happened with my keys. More people move to the left then those who went to the right. Only one other person other then me went to the right. They were wearing a jacket with the hood drawn up so you couldn't see their face, but I could feel their stare on me.

"Only two? Last year there were the same amount, and they both disappeared after the first year" he says in surprise "But they aren't crazy, Magic is real and it's within all of us" He holds up his hand and creates a ball of fire flouting just above his palm "Some stronger then others, but we can't use it with out Magic circles to aid us" he extinguished the flame and showed us his palm which had a pentagram of some sort on it "But there are demons and angels who can use magic at will. They usually develop this ability when there very young but are unable to use it most of the time. Only on rare occasions or when their life's in danger will their magic potential awaken and when it does, it grows as they age. These demons and angels are known to sometimes have offspring with human. The child is called a "Demi-Human" because there born human but have a spec of demon/angel blood in them and it'll slowly take over the human blood until it flows through half the body" everyone in the room is now whispering to each other. I'm one of the only people in shock and not talking. Was that magic I used to grab the key? How could I use magic when I don't have a magic circle? HOW! I don't understand! I need to find out more about magic to learn anything.

"Everyone is to go home immediately and practice your self control by meditating for the remainder of the day" he concludes "You are dismissed" everyone does as he says and leaves the gym. I walk over to where I hid my bike and took it out from behind the bushes. I put my helmet on then pushed my bike by the handles to the front gate to wait for Lily to arrive.

It took about 15 minutes for her to arrive and when she does, she's running.

"About time you showed" I say jokingly "What's the hurry?"

"Just got away from some guys who wouldn't leave me alone at the orientation" she says through breaths "lets just leave before they catch up" right after she says that three guys come running from behind the gate.

"There you are! Come on, let'sh just go to my plashe and we can have shome fun!" One of them says and might I add, he is ugly and I think he's missing a few teeth because of the way he said "place" he added and extra "sshhh" making it sound like "plashe". "Oh who are you? Her big brother here to shave the day?"

"Yeah, save her like any big brother would if she were to be in harms way!" The guy who was standing between the other two yells while reaching to grab Lily.

My body moves on its own as I swiftly move away from my bike, stand firmly in front of Lily, grab his hand, stopping it and twisting it down and outwards so fast that it broke his wrist, then return the favor with a punch of my own to his chest, I hear a satisfying "CRACK" of one of his ribs, sending him to the ground. His buddy's pick him up.

"How did that feel?" I ask with a unintentionally creepy smirk on my face "I don't care if you threaten me, but if you ever threaten anyone I care about, I'll be sure that you never take another breath again!"

"I'll get you for this!" He says between breaths, "Mark my words!" And with that they retreat behind the gate and don't seem to be returning.

"Let's get out of here" I say not even looking at Lily "put on your helmet" she puts her helmet on, after I hand it to her of course, then we mount my bike and went home.

On the way back I went slower this time like I promised. But there was a car following us home the entire time, so I decided to mix it up a bit and let my inner speed demon loose.

"Hold on tight!" I tell Lily and she does. I pull the throttle all the way and we speed down the street.

I made many unnecessary turns and backtracks just to mess with them and hope they'd leave us be, but they stuck to us no matter what I did. I eventually turned into a small alleyway just big enough for my bike. It opened up on the other side and I sped down the street once more just to turn a corner and make my way back home.

When we get home I open the garage, park my bike in it, and close it. Once we get inside we walk into the living room and sit on the couch, our helmets on the floor.

"Well look who's finally back!" Says someone from behind startling both of us "Do you know how long I've waited here for you to return so we could talk!" I turn to see who's talking and prepare for a fight, because of what I just when through, only find my annoying older brother Richard. When he sees that he has my full attention he throws a punch trying to catch me off guard but realizes shortly after I caught his punch and through him over my shoulder and sliding across the floor that he made his move way too late.

This was a little game of ours, well more like tradition at this point. Whenever we meet, he would make the first move and I would counter most effectively. It started off as him just just beating the crap out of me, but eventually I became better then him when it came to hand to hand combat because of this. Although I haven't tried with a weapon and don't intend to!

I help him to his feet and we start to chat about the past and current events but when I bring up the fact that we were being followed his face grew serious.

"What type of car was it?" He asked. Why would he want to know that? I think back to what I saw of the car.

"It looked like a hummer but built to withstand a high impact" I reply.

"THAT SON OF A BI-" before he could finish the front door exploded inward and in its place was the car that was following us.

The driver gets out and says something I never thought I would hear in my life.

"Long time no see Richard, Demon Lord of Flames"

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