Chapter 46

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"I see..." yVan says before taking a sip of her tea, "You've been through quite a lot."

"You really think so?" I ask as I slowly pet a sleeping Yuki.

At the moment, it's just me, Yuki, and 8I M071?R. Everyone else left to give us some privacy, Sylla even left without a word, which is surprising considering that she's usually attached to me at all time!

I've begun to accept her words of being BV Vc44jK as the truth now, it just feels right.

When I told her about how I killed Isithunzi, Cr Rre238, she just told me that he doesn't die very easily, she knew far too well to believe that he was truly gone, that he would find a way to escape death's grasp.

"Yes, the life you lived is far from normal. Many important events were rushed and most of them weren't even supposed to happen." She looks forward and sighs, "but it seems to be working in your favor. Just look at how strong you've gotten!"

"I guess... you're right?" I say hesitantly. It's true that I've become stronger, I've reached a level of strength that I would have thought impossible a few years ago.

"So let's continue to rush these events." She stands up and motions for me to follow. I carefully pick Yuki up into my arms and follow my mother.

She walks through the halls, taking turns at every opportunity until we reach a set of stairs that lead into the ground.

The stairs seem to go on for forever as we descend into its poorly lit depths.

When we finally reach the bottom, we are presented with a rusted metal door.

"On the other side of this door is an important event that I have prepared for you. This event would have taken thousands of years to happen, but I brought it here so it can happen now." She touches the metal door softly. The door shimmers as waves of white light dance across its surface. The light disappears and the door opens soundlessly, "Come, we don't have much time to waste..." She walks through the doorway. I follow close behind.

Just on the other side of the door is a chamber of black marble. In the center of the room in a coffin made of white marble with black runes in a few places. The room is empty other than the coffin.

"Here lies the body of someone important, someone who will aid you in your future endeavors," she walks beside the coffin and begins to push the lid off, "here lies the one who betrayed her own kind to save a friend." The lid falls off the side of the coffin, "Here lies Shadia Venera Shuki, Traitor of the Demon Race."

I look inside the coffin. A woman with long black hair lies inside.

"Place your hand over her chest, she will do the rest."

I follow her directions and hold my hand just above her chest. At first nothing happens, but after a few seconds I feel my mana start to drain from my body. I don't panic, I have plenty to spare after all, it stops after about ten seconds.

I feel like something is different...

The woman opens her eyes... huh?

The woman slowly sits up and looks around before her eyes settle on me. She gets out of the coffin and kneels before me.

"Young Lord," The woman said, "My name is Shadia Venera Shuki. I was once the protector of the late Demon King, Isithunzi Dakras Zenith, but now I am your loyal servant and protector." She looks up at me, "It's good to finally meet you in person, my Lord."

"It's been a while since we last spoke, why is that?" I asked.

"I have tried and failed to reach you many time already. I don't know what, but something was preventing me from speaking with you. Now that I have a body of my own, however, I can provide advice and help whenever it is needed. That is, if the Young Lord wishes so..."

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