Chapter 27

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After showering and redressing, Drake and I ate Chinese food side by side on the deck outside of his room. I couldn't help but smile as he played with my hair, traced circles on my hand, or randomly rubbed my thigh.

It was like he wanted to remind me that he was still there by constantly touching me. I smiled because I could feel his energy whether he touched me or not.

I watched as the sun set behind the Statue of Liberty and thought about the last couple of days. I lazily followed the boats gliding through the water with my eyes. My mind was completely blown and all I could think about was 'what did I just do and how the fuck can I get some more of that?'

I absentmindedly spooned rice into my mouth thinking how I could now understand why women went completely nuts over him after their relationships were over.

You could get drunk off his dick, addicted to his kisses, and strung out on his lovemaking. But it wasn't just the mind blowing sex, it was the total package. He was tall, sexy, talented, smart, business minded, fine, had a killer smile, deep voice, nice ass, thick legs...hell, I could go on and on.

Drake ran his fingers through my hair drawing my attention to him.

"Are you alright?"

I shoved another spoonful of rice into my face, still adding up reasons why someone could slip up and fall for him.


In went another.


I felt the spoon ease out of my hand and looked over at Drake.

"Hmm? What?"

"Are you listening to me?"

"Yeah. What did you say?"

I reached for my spoon but he was holding it hostage. I looked down at my plate, shrugged and picked up a chicken finger.

"Look at me."

Something in his voice made me stop chewing and pay attention.


His eye twitched and he took a deep breath.

"I asked if you were okay? How do you feel about what happened?"



I studied his face before my eyes fell on his lips. I licked mine and smirked.

"I was wondering how long I'd have to wait until we can do that again."

He put my fork down and stared at me.

"What? You asked."

He stood up and pulled me to my feet and kissed me dizzy. He led me over to the sitting area and placing me onto the sofa. I smiled because I was about to get some more of that good-good.



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