Chapter 8

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I blinked up at him with a small smile on my lips. He just stared at me with a shit eating grin. He needs to stop playing with me before I rip his clothes off right now in front of the crew and everyone else. I could feel the heat from his body as we sat looking at each other for a few more moments. He was looking at me like I was naked.

Before I got the chance to reply, he was called back to the platform to DJ. I shook the nasty thoughts out of my head and turned my attention back to 40.

"Um, so how's the tour going so far?"

"Oh you know it's rough on my old bones but I'm making do with a couple of painkillers called Ashley and Amber."

I couldn't help but laugh at his unexpected answer since he's hardly old, and who knew 40 was a player?

"Oh wow. I've never heard of that brand of painkiller," I laughed.

He lightly elbowed me and said it was his own special brand and if I told anyone he'd have to kill me. I could see myself hanging out with 40. He seemed mad cool. I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Chubbs.

I looked up at him and he pointed to Drake who was trying to get my attention. I pointed at myself and he nodded. I stood and smoothed down my skirt before walking over and squeezing through a few bodies on the platform. From here, there was a good view of the club.

"Aye, do you need anything? A drink, something to eat or anything?"

Although the club was loud, his voice was low and deep. The goosebumps were back. He had on headphones with one ear free. I touched his shoulder and stood on my tiptoes so he could hear me.

"No, I'm good thanks. But I'm gonna go."

He caught me by the waist and pulled me to him.

"What, why? Are you tired of me already?"

Is he for real?

"No, no not at all. But I know you're working and I don't want to get in the way."

He looked me in the eyes and said, "Give me a half hour. Don't leave me, okay?"

He looked so serious that I just nodded.

"Do not leave."

I got you baby. I'll wait all night for the D.

I smiled up at him not realizing he still had me by the waist until he gave me a little squeeze.

"Say yes, Shae."

I nodded, blinking with embarrassment.

"Yes, Shae. "

He chuckled and let me go so he could get back to the music. For a minute I swore he had leaned towards me as if to...nah, let me stop tripping. I turned and went back to the couch. When I sat down he was looking my way. He winked at me before grabbing the microphone once again.

"How y'all feel out there New York!?"


I saw Shae eye-raping Drake who was killing it as a DJ. I had no idea that he had those types of skills. You learn something new each day. I was glad she was hitting it off with him so I could chill with my new baby daddy. I'd hate to leave my girl behind in the hotel while I hung out with Future... but I would have. She would understand.

Future had his arm around me and I was pressed up against his thigh. I didn't care that he was a little more than tipsy. He could fucking get it. J. Cole is a cutie too but he was no Future. There just something about his swag that turns me on.

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