Chapter 78

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Three weeks later, it was clear to Shae that no matter how hard they tried and not matter what they felt for one another. She and Aubrey just weren't meant to be together.

Not used to being on the way back burner in her relationships, Shae just couldn't deal with the constant go, go, go of Aubrey's career. She'd get her hopes up as soon as he concluded one project, only to have her hopes dashed when he began another. After dropping Views, concluding the Summer Sixteen Tour and taking time out for his body to heal, he jumped back into things and went hard for Octoberfest. She mistakenly assumed that he would take a break after such a crazy year.

Instead, he had been in the studio over the holidays and was now headed off to the Boy Meets World Tour.

"I don't understand why you can't just come with me," Aubrey followed Shae into his bedroom as she packed her bags.

She whirled around and looked at him as if he grew antlers.

"Because I have to work Aubrey. I'm sorry I can't just say fuck my job and run around the globe with you like these groupies seem to do."

Aubrey ran his hand over his waves and down his face coming to rest over his mouth. He was trying to make this work but it seemed like no matter how much effort he put in, Shae either wanted more from him or wasn't satisfied. He walked over to her and put his hands on her hips to still her movements. Pulling her into him from behind, her rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Tell me what you need me to do."

She turned around and shrugged feeling like a spoiled child. "I don't know. Nothing. Everything?"

Aubrey chuckled, "I need you to settle on something in between nothing and everything."

"I feel like we just got into a good space and now you're running off again." Aubrey opened his mouth but she placed a finger on his lips. "I know, you invited me. But it's difficult to tell my boss that I need to take off again. While I do have a decent amount of vacation after being at the company for so long, I can't just leave them hanging."

"So quit," Aubrey stated.

Shae turned back around. "I knew you wouldn't understand."

"Baby girl," Aubrey turned her around so he could see her eyes. "Either you love the job or you don't. Where do you want to be in five years?"

"By then I plan to be a senior managing director. In order to do that, I need to be there physically and mentally. I can't be worried about what you're doing or with whom halfway across the world."

He nodded. So that was the issue. Aubrey moved Shae's bag over and sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her onto his lap.

"I thought we discussed this? We laid everything out on the table at the top of the year and we were in a good space. Have I done something for you to mistrust me?"

Pouting and feeling bad for implying that he had Shae shook her head.

"I didn't say that. I just... I don't want anything to mess this up. When you're on tour it's like you're in a black hole. You go into no communication mode."

"But you got the bat phone and my work line. You could call," Aubrey said grinning.

Shae rolled her eyes and responded, "You don't love me, you just say that shit to get to me boy."

Aubrey tickled her sides causing her to roll off of him in a fit of laughter.

"I don't love you? What? Take it back."

"No... you don't..." Shae could barely get the words out she was laughing so hard.

"Take it back or I'll tickle you until you pee in this cute ass outfit," Aubrey said seriously.

"No!  Hahaha! Oh my God... Okay!"

He stopped briefly, "Say it."

"I take it back," Shae said breathing hard.

"That's right. You better. Now say you're sorry."

Shae sat up and smiled at Aubrey before darting off the bed, "You thought nigga!"


He took off after her. He chased her through the house until they landed on one of the guest beds. A few hours later, neither of them could question who loved who.

~The end~

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