Chapter 18

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Shae woke up entangled in the most comfortable sheets ever. It felt like she was sleeping on a warm cloud with the sun on her face. As her senses woke up, she realized the sun really was on her face so she turned away from it.

"You snore," said someone with a super deep and raspy voice.

She nearly jumped out of her skin. She tried to blink away the sleepiness as she slid the edge of the bed. The bright light was killing her. She felt someone slip out of the bed and a few seconds later semi-darkness fell over her. She opened her eyes and saw Drake standing in the doorway to the bathroom holding his phone and pressing a button near the light switch. The blinds finally closed all the way.

She blinked as she got used to the almost darkness. She saw him raise his arms and she thought he took a picture of her.

Hunh? That can't be right. I need more sleep.


Shae looked around confused. This was not her bed, her room, or the hotel in New York.

"Are you really back to that?"

"Back to what?"

"Didn't I tell you to call me Aubrey?" He sauntered over and sat down on the bed.

"What, when?"

"You wake up crazy. Did you know that?" He kissed her on the forehead and mussed up her hair.

He didn't have a shirt on. Shae looked down, he was only in boxers.

"Hey! Where are your clothes?"

Drake laid back, took her hand and slid it down her body.

"Where the hell are my pants!"

She snatched her hand back, jumped up and took the top blanket with her.

"What did you do?"

He smirked.

"I'm sorry? I didn't do anything."


I inhaled sharply and bit my bottom lip to hide a grin.

Drake's Canadian accent is hidden well at times. But I swear, when he says 'sorry', it just comes right out and it does something to me. I stood there looking at him with one raised eyebrow as the previous day's events finally came back to me.

"I uh, went to sleep with leggings on."

He nodded, "So imagine my surprise when I woke up and you were on your stomach with your cute little ass poked out."

He had the nerve to lean back on the headboard, lick his lips and smile. I hate to admit it, but I reached around and felt my butt. Whew! I still had on panties. I found my leggings on the floor at the foot of the bed. They were exactly where I sometimes find my pajama pants when I get hot in the middle of the night.

"Okay. So you didn't – "

"Nope," he chuckled.

"And we didn't – "

"Sadly, we did not. But if you'd like to get back in bed we could give it a go..."

He was staring at the front of my panties. I yanked the blanket back up to cover me.

"Hey! Eyes up here buddy."

He slowly dragged his downturned eyes back to my face and bit his lip.


"Shut up and for God's sake, stop saying 'sorry'."

He smiled at me looking confused.

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