Chapter 6

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As soon as we saw Drake leaving the stage, Shae grabbed my hand and started yanking me through the crowd.

"What's the hurry?"

"Traffic. We need to go back to the hotel and change for the after party."

It was hard to make our way out of the stadium. People were still dancing and singing to the music so Shae's crazy ass was like, "Excuse me, she's going to puke! Watch out, we have to get to the bathroom!"

They really began to move out of the way after that.

"You're stupid," I laughed as we practically threw ourselves onto the sidewalk out of the sea of bodies leaving the Garden.

We hauled ass back to the hotel to change. We were wrinkled, a little sweaty, and we needed to change to get over to the official after party at Space Ibiza on West 50th. I ran straight into the bathroom while Shae stripped and put on a bathrobe to wait her turn.


I took off my hat and my scarf, which you couldn't see underneath, and checked my hair. Thank goodness it wasn't frizzy. I put the scarf back on and a shower cap on top of it and went to shower once Vickie was out.

I showered and dressed, I gave myself one last look in the mirror to be sure I was straight. I was wearing a white fringed skirt with a crochet tank and a white bustier on top. I wore chunky white Mary Janes with my outfit.

In a half hour we were outside getting into an Uber. Vickie was wearing sheer white pants covered in sparkling faux bling with a matching bustier and white sandals. She had on a braided wig that went past her ass for a dramatic affect.

 She had on a braided wig that went past her ass for a dramatic affect

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"You look good girl."

She smirked back at me like she knew she was the shit.

A ride that should have taken us less than and half hour took almost 45 minutes because of the traffic. Although the club was 21 and over, it seemed like all of the teens in MSG came to sit outside the club and cause traffic. We got in in the long ass line and waited.

"Damn we took less than an hour to get back and get dressed, but this traffic got us in the back of the line."

"Look again," I said while pointing to the group people lining up behind us.

Another 30 minutes in line and we were finally inside before midnight. My feet were freaking killing me. It wasn't the shoes though. Those four hours standing and hopping up and down were catching up to me. I should have known not to wear new shoes to the concert, and those boots were heavy as hell too.

We went straight to the bar to order drinks. To my surprise, Drake and the OVO crew were already in the building. That would explain the long line. They probably had to get them in and secure them before letting people inside. The club was packed. Those folks outside better hope they can get inside. The club was crazy. There were giant gold disco balls hanging from the ceiling.

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