Chapter 31

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Trey stayed until about 10 p.m. He had to do an appearance at The Roxy, a nightclub downtown. He invited Shae but she declined his invite. She needed time to process what had happened between them.

After they left the park, he chilled at her house and they talked about various subjects.  He opened up and talked about why his relationships didn't work and how a lot of chicks couldn't deal with him being married to his music. Trey explained that women eventually resented him or accused him of wrongdoings when he had to do appearances in places swarmed with women like nightclubs, beaches, or in Vegas.

Shae nodded, she could understand both points of view. They moved from relationships to music with her letting him know that her and her ex used to get it in to his music.

"Stop lying," he chuckled.

"Yeah, I had some good times to 'Inside Pt. 2' you have no idea," she confessed.

"Oh yeah? What's your favorite?"

"Umm," Shae pressed her index finger to her chin and closed her eyes in thought. Trey thought she looked so beautiful that he wanted to lean over and kiss her. Just as he was about to lean in, she opened her eyes and said, "I don't really have a favorite because there are so many good ones. I'd say some of the songs I keep in general rotation are "Walls," "Play House," "French Kiss," and the "Neighbors Know My Name" live performance."

"Oh yeah? That tells me a lot about you actually."

"Really? What do my song choices tell you?"

"That you're a freak on the low," they shared a laugh but Trey noticed that she didn't deny it.

"If that's what my choices tell you, then what does it say about the guy that created these songs?"

"That I'm your panty wetter,
You ain't gotta take 'em off,
Just pull it to the side,
Don't you try to run girl,
Ain't no place to hide,
I'm your panty wetter," he sang.

Shae shook her head at his silliness. Trey was easy to talk to and his intake on some topics was keen and insightful. He had a playful side, but he was about his business, and would kill for his family. She enjoyed talking to him, which is why they ended up talking until he was supposed to leave. They had a good time, but once he left, her guilt over her newfound attraction to Trey wouldn't allow her to call Aubrey back that night.


On Friday, she put her phone on silent and left for work without checking any messages. She felt bad knowing that he'd usually call before she left for work, but she didn't want him to ask why she hadn't called him back the night before. She needed pull herself together. She still couldn't believe that she had kissed Trey again before he left.

Once at work, Shae dove into the tedious tasks on her calendar and didn't bother breaking for lunch. She left later than usual and arrived home about six in the evening. She showered and changed into leggings and an oversized T-shirt. By seven, she had three voicemails and several texts from Aubrey. She decided to stop ghosting him and woman up.

Thursday, 9:30 p.m.: "Hi, it's me. I just wanted to say goodnight beautiful."

Friday, 6:15 a.m.: "Hey, it's me again. You didn't call me back last night. Are you good?"

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