Chapter 51

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I strutted out of the restaurant knowing full well that paparazzi had gathered across the street. I  had pulled off my hot ass sweater after my second glass of wine and was now in the black t-shirt I wore underneath. I held the sweater in one one hand and Shae's hand in another.

I kissed her temple as I held her door for her before I nonchalantly looked over my shoulder with a grin before getting into the car myself. By the time we get back to her spot, I was sure there would be pictures online.


They returned to her rental as Aubrey never officially booked a hotel. He did not know what he would have done if she had company last night. Thank God she didn't because he probably would have been in the news this morning.

Once they were comfortable on the couch, her leaning on his shoulder and him with his arm around her, they discussed their upcoming schedules.

"So, you're back on the road tomorrow?"

Shae twirled a stray strand of hair around her finger.

"Yeah," Aubrey sighed. "This next appearance is number 31 on a tour of 50."

"I couldn't imagine," she said while shaking her head. "How on earth do you stay so energetic doing a 50-date tour, nightclub appearances, and interviews?"

"Well, I try not to do too many interviews. I like to be able to control my own narrative and one thing the media likes to do is take something you've said and twist the fuck out of it. I tend to stick with radio interviews, especially those that are video recorded. I also make sure a raw copy is recorded by my team, so if any funny shit happens, I have proof of exactly what I said."

"That's actually really smart, but a shame that you have to go to those measures."

He nodded and sipped.

"It is. But it has proved to be well needed. People try to come at me about random shit and make these crazy accusations about something they claim I said. But I have Theo watching my back. He blends in so well that half the time I forget he's there capturing everything."

"Is that the guy you always credit on Instagram? His last name starts with an S?"

"Skudra, yeah. He's OVO official, check these out."

Aubrey proceeded to pull out his phone and show Shae an array of shots of the OVO team. Some were funny candid shots, some were serious and magazine-worthy, while others were of breathtaking views of places they've visited around the world and of course, lots of concert footage.

Shae reached across and pointed at one picture in particular.

"I like this one."

He looked at the photo like he smelled something bad

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He looked at the photo like he smelled something bad.

"This one? Out of all the others I showed you, this one you like?"

"I mean; I like most of them, but this one stands out."

Aubrey took another look at the photo. It was a shot of the crew hanging out in a hotel suite in Vegas. He didn't see anything special about the photo as he studied it one more time.

"Okay, now you gotta tell me why."

She chuckled and sat up straighter.

"I like to people watch. This photo is all about people watching. For one, it is taken from an upper level looking down at the crew. Two, no one is paying the photographer any mind. Everyone is chilling and going on with their life. Except you."


Shae pointed to the photo again.

"Unless this is staged, you are the only one paying attention to your surroundings. Do you know how rare it is that people randomly look up without being outside?"

He shook his head and stared at her.

"When I'm in the airport, or at a train station, or even at a park, people don't look up unless they're tourists looking at skyscrapers or travelers looking at flight times or train departures."

He smiled making her feel weird for bringing it up.

"I'm just saying, I like that it captures the crew in their natural state and comfortable in their environment. But here you are, strolling around with your phone, and yet you are still self-aware enough to keep an eye on looking out, or up I guess, at your surroundings."

"You got all of that by me scrolling through these photos?"

"Yeah. It's something I would do. I always look up and out. I like to gaze out of windows or look up at architecture. I like to watch leaves tumble by and the way the water ripples. I guess I sound weird, right?"

"Not at all." He touched her cheek with a grin on his face. "You just summed up exactly how I feel when I'm somewhere new. I want to see everything—with all of my senses. I want to take in the environment, see the sights and touch the fabrics and trinkets. I want to smell the foods and hear the traffic. I thought I was the weird one."

They shared a laugh.

"No, just curious like me."

"We're in tune, baby. I don't have a lot of down time when I visit other places so I try to be aware of my surroundings like you said. I barely remember this, but I remember seeing a shadow and looking up. Then I saw Theo and his camera, and I knew he'd captured me watching him."

He rubbed his bottom lip in thought.

"I don't know many people who would have picked up on all of that by just looking at this photo. Have you ever done any photography?"

"You got me. I've carried around a camera with me since the 7th grade. I like to capture moments in time. I also dabbled in black & white photography as well as videography."

Aubrey looked impressed as eyebrows crept up.

"I might have to see some of your work."

"I might can show you a little something. One day."

"Oh one day? So you don't trust me?"

"I'm not saying that. You just... have to be in my good graces for me to share my work with you. I'm sure you can understand how personal one's creative work can be."

"That I can." He agreed before putting his phone away and placing his arm back around her.

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