Chapter 4

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On the day of the concert, they hung out in their room trying to preserve their energy. It was going to be a long night since they had plans to attend the concert and the official after party. Vickie caught up on social media, commenting on which ratchet housewives were fighting with one another. Shae had no clue who she was talking about because she stopped watching reality TV in 2014. At first it was funny and entertaining, then it quickly became tacky and totally tragic.

While she rambled on about Chris Brown arguing over someone liking Karreuche Tran's photos, Shae was reading reviews of the recent OVO Festival. She shook her head at Chris tripping over his ex-girlfriends.

"He needs to stop stalking his exes. That's not a good look."

"I know right?"

"He needs a friend like me."

Vickie looked up like she was skeptical of where this would go.

"No for real. He needs real friends around him that will take his phone and throw that shit off the roof when he wants to drunk text. I'd grab his devices like, 'No Chris! Stop this shit! You're Chris muthafuckin' Brown, stop trippin'. Seriously, who all around him right now is about to do all that?"

Vickie was cracking up. "Nobody alive to tell the story. I ain't fuckin' with Chris. Remember when he was running through the streets of New York with his shirt off like he was the damned hulk? He's a wild boy."

Shae had to close out of Twitter because of all the #freeyoungbuck hashtags. Bruh, if you do the crime just do the time and shut up. On Instagram, people were outraged over a George Zimmerman-like killing where some white guy killed a black kid while on neighborhood watch.

Just like Monopoly said, his ass should go "directly to jail, do not pass go, and do not collect $200." Unfortunately, the system dropped the ball on Zimmerman, and that asshole is still out there being a douche bag and getting in trouble with the law. He'll end up in jail on some dumb shit like O.J. Simpson rather then what he should have been arrested for.

Shae hoped his ass was put underneath the jail. She was so sick of people telling Black people to stop complaining about race issues, while also staying silent about people randomly killing Black people like dogs in the street. She shook her head and kept scrolling before she started commenting some crazy shit. Woosah.

Her timeline was also full of people expressing shock, anger, and confusion over the fact that Donald Trump was moving forward in the polls. Looks like it's down to him and Hillary Clinton at this point. She tried to stay away from political posts and discussions because it never ended well. She voted regularly, but she also refused to argue about politics because she would study not only the backgrounds of those running while campaigning, but also their actions over several years prior to their campaigning. What people did in the past sometimes revealed a lot about their overall character. Now everyone has likely done something stupid when they were younger, but going to a Klan rally in your 40s or saying that rape isn't rape if you don't get pregnant in your 60s just isn't going to cut it. She believed what she believed based on her research and she wasn't going to argue with people who refused to look at facts over fiction and soundbites.

"Hey, Chris Brown is teasing a new video about grass or something. You wanna watch?"

Shae shook her head at Vickie as she read that people were still trying to stir up more drama on the Drake and Meek Mill controversy. It was clear that Drake murdered Meek on his dis tracks without even breaking a sweat. But because he is Drake, everyone, even his peers, want him to fail.

"But I got you baby," she thought.

There was also a buzz about tonight's concert at Madison Garden and she just couldn't wait to get there.

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