Chapter 69

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Shae stretched out and found herself alone in the bed.

Yawning, she opened her eyes and blinked a few times before getting used to the bright sunlight. Shae swung her feet off the bed and buried her toes in the faux fur rug next to her bed.

She listened, but heard nothing. Shrugging, she stood up and shuffled l into the bathroom to shower. She looked at her reflection in the foggy bathroom mirror and pulled her hair into a messy bun.

As she exited the bathroom, she flicked on the radio and listened to the KMEL 106.1 disc jockeys playing the same played out playlist they always played.

She placed her phone on the iPhone dock and shuffled her playlist. "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth came on as Shae entered the oversized walk-in closet to put on a black tank top and jean cutoff shorts.

Images of passionate love-making flashed through her mind as she glanced over at the bed. She shook her head at the realization that she was blushing at her own actions.

Smiling, she left the bedroom and made her way down the stairs. Halfway down, Trey appeared with one foot on the bottom step. He looked up and smiled broadly stopping to wait for her to reach him. Shae stopped a few steps away and bit her lip shyly.

"Why are you standing up there? Come here baby," he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

She stepped down two more steps and watched him watching her. She leaned over to take his outstretched hand, but he pulled it back and shook his head beckoning her with his index finger instead. She took another step down. Just as she paused again, his arm snaked out and pulled her to him.

The kiss he laid on her was so full of lust and love that she never wanted it to end. Her juices flowed as he expertly moved his tongue. He moved his lips down to her ear and she shivered.

"Good morning love."

"Morning Trey," Shae whispered shakily, caught up in her emotions. Whenever she was this close to him, she was a mess.

He felt her tremble in his arms and he rubbed her back as he swayed back and forth humming. Neither wanted to let go.

"Do you have to go to work?" he asked with his lips pressed against her shoulder.

"No," she said while playing in his hair. "My company actually considers Black Friday a holiday."

"That's crazy, but I'm glad you're off," he smiled. "I was about to ask if you were hungry, but I need to do something first."

He started up the stairs while holding on to her.

He started up the stairs while holding on to her

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"What do you need to do Mr. Neverson?" she questioned.

"You, Mrs. Neverson."


Shae's eyes opened abruptly as she sat up in bed and looked around the room. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. She splayed both hands out in front of her. No ring. Oh thank God, it was just a dream. She exhaled and looked over at the other side of the bed. It looked undisturbed.

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