Pranky Love 18 - Dominic

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Pranky Love 18 – Dominic

It took the three of them to calm me. At first, I blocked everything they said, until I heard my mom yell, “How can you save Libby, if you go crazy like this?” It was like a slap to my face and made me snap out of my craziness.

However, what calmed me the most was when I heard Libby’s voice once again in my mind. ‘Dom?

The snarling voice from wolfy stopped, changing into a purr. We were very putty in her hands. ‘What happened just now, Lib? Why did you suddenly cut off our mind link?’

‘Sorry, but someone was coming at that time,’ she answered.

Who? Reed?’ My anger was starting to rise up in a heartbeat. That name was my jynx. If I found him, he would become a dead meat.

She seemed to pick up my mood. ‘No, it was a kid. I found an ally and she will help us, but we have to bring her with us. Right now, she’s trying to find out the exact location of this place.’

‘Anything for your freedom, Libby! I need you.’ It was true. I would even bargain with the devil himself, as long as I could get her out of there.

‘I need you too. You know how funny life works. When I start to realize my feeling for you, how much I love you, someone kidnapping me.’ She sighed.

‘I know, but maybe this is a way to cherish the next time we are together,’ I said in my mind, trying to cheer her up.

‘They are coming, you know.’ Her tone was a bit shaky and I pretty much had an idea who they were.

Your parents?’

‘Yes.’ Her tone was stronger, then it turned into laughter.

‘What? Why are you laughing?’

‘I never thought I can meet them this soon. I never knew what I’d feel, but now? I feel nothing. For me, they are strangers. And you know what? I’m preparing a welcoming gift for them right now.’

Gift? She didn’t make any sense. She hated them and yet she gave them a gift? Why would she do that? I better asked her, ‘Why?’

‘A surprise, Dom! My speciality!’ she gave me a little clue, and I understood it perfectly.

‘What is it made of?’ I really wanted to know what she had planned for them and I bet it would be as good as always. After all, my mate was a genius.

‘A thin chord, paint, itchy powder,’ she answered simply. ‘But, I’m not going to tell you how. Guess it! Sssstt . . . they are coming. I have one bad news, they are preparing for war and Reed want to kill you. Take care. I’m trying to find their war plan. Bye!’ She said the last part in a hurry.

And just like that, she cut off the mind-link again. I pouted at that and started to realize the buzzing sound around me. I already changed into a human and once again naked, although someone might have thrown the tartan tablecloth to cover my mini-Dom.

“Did you just talk to Libby?” Mom was the first one to ask that.

I smiled widely at them and said yes. They sighed in relief - at least we knew that she was still safe at the moment. The clock was ticking though and we had no time to chill.

“We have a bit of problems. They are preparing for war and we have to prepare ourselves for them.” I told them the bad news.

My father nodded. “We have to start the pack meeting.” All of us agreed. This involving the whole pack and they had the right to know.

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