Pranky Love 15 - Libby

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Pranky Love 15 – Libby


Pain. That was all I could feel. I wanted to open my eyes, but they were glued to each other and felt so heavy to lift. What was wrong with me? Starting to get my senses back, the ache was getting worse. I tried to move, but couldn't. It was like I didn't have any bone in me. This was the feeling of being drugged.

Drugged? Was that what happened to me?

Before I tried to move once more, I heard the creaking sound of opening door. I dismissed my attempt to get up, pretending to be asleep. Maybe I could find something out before planning something.

Luckily, I was an expert in pretending to be asleep. Alert was needed, after I did some pranks to others, in case they did some paybacks to me. I relaxed for once before and it ended up pretty badly, but of course I won the challenge in the end. No one could beat me in my own game.

I heard the crunching sounds of their footsteps hitting something like gravel, and judging from the loudness, it was more than one person. Did they kidnap me? But for what reason?

I started to remember what happened previously. Having heart-to-heart talk with Jenna, Dom teased me, we went home, and the accident! Oh my God! What happened to both of them? I couldn’t help but felt worry. What if something to them? I couldn’t lose them!

Did they kidnap them to? Or did they do something to them? Did they . . . die? No! I wouldn’t believe that, unless I saw their bodies. Besides I believed in Dom, he wouldn’t leave me, especially not before we mated.

This was such a sick joke. I finally let my guard down and started to be happy, but then this happened! I was angry and I'd make sure to get the bottom of this. You wouldn't want to find and angry me.

"She hasn't woken up yet. Why does it take so long?" I heard someone talking. Whose voice was that? I never heard his voice before. The coldness on his voice was scary, but I had to calm myself. I had a feeling that he was a werewolf, so slightly hitched voice or the increasing heartbeat rate could alert him, letting him know that I already wake up and I didn’t want that to happen.

"We gave her too much dose of the tranquilizer," a shaky voice answered him.

I guessed the first powerful voice belong to the leader. Who the heck was he? I didn't even know the freaking man and here he was kidnapping me.

"Why?" The first man didn't raise his voice, but anyone could hear the dangerous tone it. This man was scary; I admitted it. It wasn't going to be so easy to get out of here like I thought before.

"We thought she is a werewolf too." The second voice admitted his fault in fear.

"Fool! Didn't I tell you that she's a human, huh? So, you dare to disobey me and even implying that you didn’t believe in my judgement, huh?" The first man started to raise his voice a little bit and it was bone-chilling scary.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. But I . . . I had to make sure that she was really out, so she wouldn't make any attempt to run." He tried to explain his lost cause. From his voice, she caught a fact that he wasn’t a forgiving person.

I heard a growling voice, before a breeze of wind passed by me. He was moving fast, using his wolf ability. Then, I heard a choking voice. Did he choke the other person? It reminded me of what my mother did in her slightly deranged mind.

"A . . . Al - pha . . ." The choking sound was getting louder. He would kill him. I knew he was one of the bad guys, but I couldn't just close my eyes and let him kill the guy. That just wasn’t me.

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