Pranky Love 07 - Libby

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Hi! I start to write again and will try to upload as fast as possible, but I might putting my other ongoing stories on hold and tried to focus on this story. So, the update for this story will be posted regularly.

I want to join the Watty Award and do you have any suggestion which category should I choose for this story? :D Werewolf/humor?

Btw, I put my new short story for the watty award. Do you mind checking it out? The title is Until We Meet Again Love. If you love A Letter To God, you might like this story as well. A little preview :

He’s gone. That was the only thing that kept occupying my mind in this Valentine’s Day – the supposed to be happy and loving day. He was supposed to be here, sitting by my side, whispering softly to me how much he loved me – like what he used to do. But that’s not going to happen.

Thank you!


Pranky Love 07 – Libby


“How long is the time limit?”

“Uhm . . . until your graduation.” I answered her cautiously.


I expected her to throw a tantrum, but I never expected this. She passed out in front of me. Luckily, I could capture her easily with my werewolf speed. I quickly bring her to our room and stayed beside her. I couldn’t imagine what would happen when she woke up. Mate oh mate . . . What a confusing little being you are.


Groaning, I tried to open my eyes. I could feel the pounding headache in my head, but I ignored it. Blinking my eyes, I tried to see my surroundings. I was in Dom’s room – well . . . our room, since I slept here too.

“Libby, are you okay?” I heard Dom asking me.

I looked at him and saw the worry in his eyes. “I’m okay.” My voice came out a little hoarse, so I tried to clear it before asking him what the heck just happened. My mind was a little bit hazy and I had the nagging feeling that I was forgetting something important.

He looked uncomfortable, but answered me nonetheless. “Do you remember the last thing I told you? You fainted after hearing that.”

I tried to rewind my memory and all of the things that he told me rushing into my brain at once. The meeting, rogues, and . . . the mating. I gasped, “The mating!”

“Yes,” he answered me hesitantly. “What should we do about it?”

“It’s less than four months left!”

“I know. That’s why I want to know what you think of it.” He looked like he wanted to say more, but still holding back. I knew that he has been patiently waiting for me and I appreciated his effort, but I was still not sure about everything. Heck! I didn’t even know what was holding me back.

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