Pranky Love 14 - Dominic (Part 2)

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Pranky Love 14 – Dominic (part 2)


I glanced at Libby and saw her panicked face. Reaching out her left hand, I squeezed it, letting her know that I was there with her. It happened in a flash and I could feel the impact of the accident. Pain, panic, loud yelling - all were mixed at one. All of it led us to darkness.

However, before that, I looked at the eyes of the drivers. It was cold and sinister black eyes. He was clever enough to cover up his face, but I would find him. And when I found him, he would regret that he was ever born. Werewolf or not – no one should mess with my mate and sister’s life.

Maybe I talked too soon about my happiness. Nothing was ever going to be easy. But we would survive . . . And that was the last thing on my mind, before I was swallowed by the darkness.


I was woken up by a sudden jolt of pain; my whole body was aching. It was rare for a werewolf to feel this kind of pain, unless the damage was severe. I groaned loudly and then I heard the shuffling sound of movements around me.  I started to gain my senses and could smell the disinfectant smell. Where was I?

“He is awake.”

“Will he be okay, doctor?”

Those kinds of questions were bombarded in a small voice, but with the amount of throbbing in my head, it seemed like three times louder. It was making me dizzy. I tried to open my eyes and it took a few times until they were successfully opened. I tried to move my body, but I could feel the pain.

Blinking a few times, I finally could see clearly for the first time. Judging from the white color that surrounding me, I knew that I was in my pack’s hospital. It took me a few moments until I remembered about the accident. Oh my God! Libby! Jenna!

“Dom, please be still!” I could hear my dad yell, but I chose to ignore it. I had to go to my mate or I would go crazy. I had to make sure that she was okay.

“Where is Libby?” I looked around frantically and couldn’t find her. She wasn’t here! I knew I acted like a lunatic, but I didn’t care. I wanted her and her only.

“Stop it right now!” My dad yelled and he was using his Alpha tone, so I had no choice but to obey him.

I looked at him weakly and asked him once again, “Where is Libby?”

, Dexchanged glance and seemed to talk to each other through their mind link. It made me worry more. What happened to Libby?

“Dad, what happened to her? Where’s my mate?” I asked them weakly. Acting rash wasn’t going to get me anywhere. It would only increase their worry, instead of answering me.

“You listen and listen to me good, okay?” I nodded and then he continued what he was going to say. “When we found you, we . . . were surprised. With you Alpha blood, it was supposed to be easy to heal yourself, but for some reasons you weren’t healing yourself and your body was badly damaged. However, Jenna was healing herself, but still she was no better than you.”

“She is okay now?”

“Yes, she is. She wants to be here, but I told he to stay at home and rest. She really needs it.” He explained. I wondered why he told me about Jenna first, usually people would try to break the news about the mate’s first.

I cleared my throat, feeling the dryness. My mom seemed to understand, because she quickly brought me a glass of fresh water. It made me feel a lot better. “What about Libby? I need to see her, Dad. She is human and if I’m like this, then what about her?”

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