Pranky Love 05 - Libby

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Pranky Love Chapter 05 – Libby


We turned around slowly and a pair of sparkling blue eyes was looking back at us, he whispered, “Boo!”

He made us yell in surprise. What the heck? How could we don’t realize someone was behind us all of this time?

“Are both of you done having fun?” The person in front of us was laughing at our expression. Who the heck is he?


“Boo? What the hell, Dave? Come on! We are supposed to . . .” Trailing off, the one who said those things seemed to realize that they weren’t alone. I could hear that he was sniffing the air and then there was a sharp intake of breath, before he said, “Who are they?”

Well, I wonder the same thing too.

We didn’t see him before, because he crawled behind the guy who said boo. There were two of them?

It was possible for me not to realize their presences, but Jenna? She was supposed to have an advanced hearing and smelling, but from the incredulous look on her face, I bet she didn’t realize too. But how?

Who are they?

I felt Jenna stiffened beside me – an unusual reaction from an easy-going girl such as her. Her face was so pale, looking like she wanted to throw up. She didn’t even acknowledge the second intruders. She was frozen on the spot, gaping at the boo boy, whose name is Dave.

I peeked a little bit to look clearly at the second boy. Dave is too big for his own good. He almost devoured the whole space in front of me; maybe that was why I didn’t realize the second boy’s presence. Both of them have the same striking blue eyes.

Scratch that!

Both of them have exactly same face. Their a-bit-curly hair falls down on their face, making them look adorable. They are what we call pretty boys. Big doe eyes, pointed nose, pouty little lips, but they still oozed masculinity with the bulging muscles on their bodies. I never saw them before in the pack, but if they could find us easily, they must have heightened sense of the werewolves. Or maybe it was just a coincidence? Times like this made me want to have the werewolf’s power. It might be helpful in some ways.

“Who are you?” I squinted my eyes, trying to ask for their identities.

“I’m Liam and he’s Dave, my twin brother.” The boy who stayed behind, Liam, introduced themselves. That was what I thought; they were twins.

“What are you doing here?” I expected an answer from Dave. After all I still couldn’t see Liam’s face clearly. He just stayed silent all the time, making things awkward. The only thing that he did was gazing at Jenna. I looked back and forth between him and Jenna, sensing that something was wrong.

But, I still had no idea what it was about.

“Dave! Why don’t you say anything? She asked you a question. What’s wrong with you?” Liam seemed frustrated with Dave, telling me that he wasn’t usually like this. Then, Liam decided to answer me, “We . . . .”

However, before he finished his sentence, Jenna growled softly. What the heck? She’s such a sweetheart and rarely growled. What was going on between her and Dave? She looked pretty scary for me; I just hoped that she didn’t go wolf in here. This place was too crowded for my taste.

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