Pranky Love 19 - Libby

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Pranky Love 19 – Libby

After the mind-link session with Dom, I felt myself calmer than before. I realized lately he became my rock; everything would be okay if he was there for me. While talking to him, I roamed around the whole room and trying to some useful things for my parents' welcoming party.

They really tried to change the torture chamber for me, even though some of the traces were still there (I didn’t think they really put too much effort for my comfort; it was still very dirty). A few shackles were still hanging on the wall. The paint hadn't fully finished ye, it was halfway done and even the smell of the paint was still fresh, piercing my nose and making me want to gag.

I was trying to think of some kind ideas with the present goods available. I could use the paint leftover. Searching under the bed, I coughed and cringed in disgust. It was very dirty and dusty, at least there was no furry creatures running around or I’d jump around like a lunatic. I could only find one useful thing under it, a thin cord. I pulled it out and it was covered with dust.

Luckily, there was a washbasin prepared for me, I guessed. I washed it until it was clean, along with my super dirty hand. Trying to gauge the sturdiness, I stretched it and it was pretty strong – enough to hold the thing that I wanted it to.

I patted my pockets, usually I brought a few things with me and before the accident I brought the itchy powder with me. It would still be there, unless it accidentally flew away because of the accident or someone took it.

Bingo! It was still there.

How to make this work then? I tried to think in my mind, how to construct the gift and make it real. I needed one more thing - a rope. Where could I find it?

Nothing. I could find no rope; maybe I could change it with something. The curtain – it could become the substitution! I pulled it, not caring whether it was torn or not. Everything was ready.

It was actually pretty easy, preparing the gift, especially when no one paid attention to me, maybe because they thought I was just a mere human. The guard never checked on me and I tried to be as quiet as possible. Then, the only thing I could do was waiting for them to come.

Humming softly, my mind was trailing off and thinking about Dom. If I could get away from here, what should I say to him? Better yet, what should I do for him? I had an idea, but did I have the courage to do it? I'd never done that before.

Before I made up my mind, the door was slowly opened. I squinted my eyes, knowing what this meant. Both of my ex-parents were coming. The guard opened the door for them and then closed it after they came in.

My ex-father looked guilty and didn't want to meet me gaze, while his wife smirked at me with smug expression. I really wanted to throttle her. That bitch!

However, I pretended to be calm, trying not to laugh while thinking about how they would react to my gift.

“What happened to you?” My ex-father asked in concern.

“Like you would care!” I snarled at him. At that, he couldn’t say anything and shut his mouth.

I wanted to go ahead with my prank, but before that, I wanted to know the reason why they arranged a marriage for me.

"Why?" I asked them in a low voice.

"Why what?" That woman pretended to be clueless, but from her shrew expression she perfectly knew.

“Don’t pretend to be stupid, although I know that you are an idiot!” I smirked back at her. I wanted to do this since the first time I saw her and boy . . . it felt really good.

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