I Am Just A Girl.

Start from the beginning

Frida: you still haven't managed to sleep him?

Benny: it's impossible.

Frida opened her arms and Benny passed him to her, maybe that's how she could make him sleep and then he sat down at the table.

Lotta: Benny, can you let me paint your nails? so you'll be nice.

Benny: no.

Lotta: plea...

Benny: impossible... no...

Frida: yeah,love... paint your nails.

Benny: you three are crazy, you have 6 hands to paint it to each other.

Heléne: you are exaggerating, Benny... we just want to paint yours.

Frida: Well, let's go back upstairs because we have to sleep this child.

They went back to the bedroom and went to bed, Benny continued trying to sleep Göran until little by little he was succeeding.

Frida: Benny, he can't sleep here, you have to return him to his bedroom.

Benny: I can't do that ...

Frida: why not?

Benny: look how comfortable he is here, he even fell asleep super fast now.

Frida: Benny, but he has slept all this time in his bedroom.

Benny: but now he knows that daddy is here and wants to sleep with us.

Frida: imagine, I don't know how we will do when they are 4 here.

Benny: we'll know how to accommodate.

Benny went to put Göran in the bassinet they had beside the bed and then went to the bathroom to take off his clothes.

Benny: love, I think I don't have clothes here.

Frida: yes you have! Look in that drawer.

Benny: I thought you burned it all, —he laughed.—

Frida: I should have done it.

Benny: Of course not, a part of you knew that I would return.

Frida: actually no, I thought that you and I would be divorced now —laughed—.

Benny: how horrible you say that.

Benny finished putting on his pajamas and returned to the bed next to Frida who was putting creams on her belly to avoid stretch marks. He inclined his head and gave a deep kiss to her belly and then caressed it, she put the cream aside and lay down next to him while they hugged and then began kissing incessantly, it was something they couldn't avoid, they could not squeeze more because the belly separated them but that wasn't an impediment for their lips to be together.

Frida: I missed you.

Benny: me too, quite a lot.

Frida: what are we going to do?

Benny: with what?

Frida: I mean, have you ever thought that we're going to have eight children? four of them are going to be practically of the same age.

Benny: Well I was thinking about it but you don't worry, I'm here with you and we're both going to be able to do everything.

Frida: we'll have to hire more nannies, Lise-Lotte won't be able to alone.

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