My Love, My Life.

Start from the beginning

Agnetha: it's beautiful, kissed her cheek.—

Frida: Benny and I were very excited, we could even hear its heartbeat.

Agnetha: I already want to meet my nephew or niece.

They continued to get ready, combing and doing the makeup for the photos, Frida felt a little frustrated because the clothes didn't fit her as she planned, so she sat frustrated in the chair with the zipper half closed and began to cry.

Frida: Agnetha, it doesn't close, I'm becoming a cow.

Agnetha: let's see, Frida... no, it's fine it's normal. Let me help you.

Agnetha helped her out of her chair and tried to pull up her zipper but it was more complicated than expected.

Frida: it does not close, you see, when I tried it on, I didn't imagine that I would get so fat.

Agnetha: Okay, we can fix it.

Frida: It's not good, so nobody will love me... Benny won't love me anymore.

Benny at that moment entered the room and saw that Frida was crying, hr approached worriedly.

Benny: are you okay? I thought you were ready.

Agnetha: she believes that because she's fat you're going to stop loving her.

Benny: what? Of course not he approached and hugged her,— love don't think that, I love you too much and you carry me baby in your belly.

Frida: I can't close my zipper.

Benny also tried to help but realized that it really was not going to close and hugged her again, Agnetha took some safety pins from the table and took Frida's suit to be able to close it.

Agnetha: listen to me, we're going to solve this, honey is fine.

She tried to close the suit tightly until she succeeded.

Benny: ready, princess!

Agnetha: just don't move too much just in case.

Although she was not very happy that's why she tried to assimilate it and smiled. As they left the room Agnetha hugged her to make her feel better. They gave some instructions on the pictures but Frida was nervous because it was the first time she was going to take official photos for ABBA while pregnant and she didn't know how the audience was going to see her with a belly for the photos, Benny knew that she was anxious for the photos and that's why he took her hand and whispered in her ear.

Benny: you look beautiful, everything will be fine.

Frida took a deep breath and stood in front of the camera to be photographed, posed in different ways looking for the best photos, tried to have a good time while working and made everything lighter.

As the afternoon passed, Frida and Benny, Agnetha and Björn said goodbye and went home to finally rest. Frida went to the bedroom to get comfortable, she took off her clothes and simply stayed in a t-shirt and panty and then went down to spend time with her family. Benny had already entered the kitchen to prepare dinner and Hans and Lotta were in the family room while Lotta filled some papers.

Frida: how did it go today? She sat on the sofa—.

Both: good, everything's good.

Lotta: Mom, did you go to the doctor?

Frida: yes, I went. We saw the baby that is growing smiled and put her hand on her belly—.

Hans: when will we know the sex?

Frida: in a few more weeks, maybe in 20 or 22 week.

Lotta: I hope it's a girl to be able to comb her, make up, paint her nails, dress her all fashion, decorate her room...

Frida smiled and began to imagine everything Lotta was describing.

Hans: Get off the cloud, silly... you'll have to change diapers, clean up her vomit, wake up when she cries, try to keep her quiet when is restless and feed her. In addition he will be a boy and we are going to party together

Frida: Okay, enough you two. Everything is part of the process...

Frida took the sonography and gave it to Lotta, she and Hans began to see it while they smiled.

Lotta: Mom, but it's already very big.

Frida: the doctor said that is growing well and apparently healthy.

Benny returned to the living room and sat on the couch next to Frida, she put her legs on top of him. Benny put his hands on her thighs and she looked up at him and then took his hands to remove them from her thighs and then smiled. Benny tilted his head to her belly and started talking to it.

Benny: Hi, it's dad again. Mom today looks more beautiful than ever and is writing a diary for you, I'm dying of tenderness and you will also do it when you see her so spectacular. You, your siblings and of course me, are very fortunate to have her in our lives. Frida started crying and put her hand on her belly.

Frida: Benny...

Benny: what happened? Do you feel bad?

Frida: No, Benny... I felt it, I'm feeling it! I recognize this movement.

Benny got too excited and put his hands on her belly and continued talking to it trying to feel too but he could not.

Frida: the movements are still very weak and don't externalize but I can feel them. It's the first time I feel my baby.

Benny kissed her and they both smiled. Frida took her journal and started writing.

"Today we saw you for the first time, my heart melted with love and tenderness, I have been waiting for you for a long time and at last you are a reality. You are the result of love between your dad and me and nothing makes me happier than carrying you inside me.

While the doctor was passing her device on my belly and we saw you, we couldn't contain the emotion, I wish you had seen the beautiful face of your dad, his face shone and his eyes were illuminated to see you.

Now you are the size of an orange and you are quite developed, your little hands and your little legs we could appreciate them better and I know you can hear us, that's why we will always talk to you so that you can feel the voice of your family and know that here we are waiting for you with cravings and desires.

Then we heard the sound of your little heart, we could not contain the tears, I can't believe that it is beating the same as mine.

I just finally felt your movements while your dad was talking to you and even though they feel like a tingling sensation for me it feels like heaven, I'm very sensitive crying for everything but I can't help doing it when it comes to you.

I love that you and I are one, that we are together, connected and that we both depend on each other, I love seeing you, see my belly grow and you adhere to me.

Your dad and I love you as you can not imagine, you have come to fill our lives with happiness and union, to be part of our family and to make us feel stronger than ever. I would give all my life if it is necessary for you.

Now I live to take care of you, love you and see you grow more every day.


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