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Walking down the staircase that led to the city of lies the second time for Kuzo should have erased all feelings of fear, but it didn't.

"What happens if it doesn't work" Summer whispered, clinging to him like gum on cotton.

"Why are you so pessimistic?" He said calmly, leading the way with a burning torch.

"This place is eerie, and cold" Summer complained.

"Summer for both our sakes would you just keep it down"

"But I'm whispering" She defended herself.

Kuzo was quiet.

"Ok fine, I'm quiet" Kuzo sighed.

They got to the lake. Kuzo fixed the torch on the wall. Summer picked Fiji up and holding unto Kuzo's other hand, they walked in together.

He took out the amber capsule, stared at it, and then walked in deeper to the eye of the whirlpool although its movement did nothing to affect them, it only felt like liquid smoke moving in a spiral
The capsule began to glow.

He looked at it again and then at the eye, then dropped it into the eye.

"Are you crazy, you were supposed to crush it, now what if....."

The lake came alive and so did the water, now they could feel its weight and the force.

"Kuzo!" Summer screamed and Fiji barked as the force tore her away from Kuzo and she fell with a thud.

"Trust me Summer, just relax , he too fell in right after and they felt themselves falling into a dark hole"



Han didn't know how those two women had teamed up to bring down his plane and now he was powerless.

It had grown dark, so dark, and it was raining hard with a vengeance.

Another heavy blow hit his face by the hand of the woman he loved.

"You piece of shit, did you ever stand for anything good, you're one selfish bastard who deserves something worse than death" Suri screamed into his face, drenched in the rain.

Mabu appeared with her husband at her side.

A car screeched and out of it dashed a woman in a long leather coat. And a man who seemed to have been the driver.

"I came as soon as I got your message" It was the first time she was meeting Mabu, but there was no time for pleasantries, Mabu was everything her grandfather had described her to be.

"Thank you for coming Freya, you look so much like your mother" Mabu said with a smile. She smiled too.

"Is this he?" She turned to the man who was bound to a weird looking chair right there in the middle of the street.

"Yes" Mabu responded.

"Well good, do you have the staff?"

"Just two pieces of it.....listen Freya, you need to evacuate the city now, not just Baltimore, every major city that connects to the sea and all the towns that nearby.

"Why whats going on?"

"There is a nuclear device set to go off, and we're talking something bigger than anything you've ever seen"

"Let's get the security forces on it then"

"We already did, nobody believes us"
Easier said.
"After what just happened here with the flood?" She seemed surprised.

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