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Washington D.C

The lecture at the University was as always an interactive one, Freya always had the Charisma and humor to keep students charged and attentive. She gave out some of her books and signed them and decided to check out the Library if there was any research she could do concerning the strange staff the British had found.

But there really was nothing to confirm that her suspicions were true. She had doubted it and not spoke about it but she had a strange feeling that her grandfathers stories perhaps were not just stories. He had mentioned something about a staff somewhere in his bedtime stories about the Binju girl who at some point in his life lived with him.

Her skin glowed with a radiance of life, the life that you don't see in the grass and the trees these days' he had once said.

But she had tracked the records and there was nothing, no accounts, no witnesses, nothing in history that pointed out the likelihood of this Binju girl being real.

"Hurry up Zac will you, they're unveiling it" A fluffy haired black girl rushed past her. She smiled.

"Kids" Freya shook her head and continued her walk.

"Sorry but you need a permit to go in there"

"Are you kidding me, I'm Zac Sarkozy, my father is Vince Sarkozy, the Vince Sarkozy, now you will let us through or you might just lose your job"

"Sorry kids" The steward said adamantly.

Freya heard what was going on and turned.

"Let's go Zac, Mr. Finley would be looking for us anyway"

Freya should have probably ignored but the kids reminded her of her childhood, how her curiosity had got her sneaking into places she wasn't supposed to be in, she liked the fact that they wanted to learn something new and were fans of history like she was"

"Excuse me, my name is Freya Howard and I do have a pass, these kids are with me" She showed him the card that allowed her access to attain research privileges at any point during her stay in Washington, including a free pass to that particular unveiling.

"Come on kids, I bet you've got just five minutes"

"Thank you so much" The girl was so thankful. The boy didn't really seem to care, he just seemed like he wanted to please her.

"Come with me" Freya led the way, spoke to a few people who directed them into the auditorium where the unveiling was taking place. She had no idea it was even happening, if it wasn't for the kids, but once the item was revealed, she was grateful to them for making them come.

'These are what is left behind of an ancient civilization believed to have existed over a 1000 years ago. These drawings are believed to have been on the inside of a cave buried and yet preserved underground that was discovered just over a year ago, it took a while to have this museum be granted the privilege to showcase these ancient relics. Judging from the detail on these stone tablets which is believed to have come from the cave, these people are believed to have been advanced in many ways but not technological. How they preserved what we are seeing today, we do not know, but we are grateful for whatever advanced methods they lived by.

"Incredible" Summer said.

"It is" Freya watched on. And then something caught her eye. On the drawing there was a girl, different, parts of the drawing had worn out over time but she could see enough that her features were different, and her hair....the sketching of her hair was as that of an African.

"The Binju" Freya muttered.

"The what?" Summer asked.

"No, it's, it's nothing, just thinking out loud"

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