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Kuzo waited for his mother to fall asleep then he went over to grab the swimsuit. He kissed her on the forehead and went into his room. He scribbled a note that read;

"Sorry mom but I had to go, I'm taking the suit with me. If I'm not back by morning, then I was probably eaten by a shark, I'm going to get dad, love, you know who"

He used his window and once he was out, he ran like hell before her high senses woke her up. He picked his swim goggles and looked at it with the same disdain he always did.

"I need my swimlenses" In Geeces they had transparent lenses worn over the pupils like contact lens that automatically created a protective shield over the eye making it easier to keep your eyes open under seawater and since almost all the oceans were highly polluted they had tons of engines turned on consistently releasing chemicals that were to keep them pure enough to sustain the rest of the sea creatures, chemicals that didn't harm the creatures but were quite harmful to humans so it was a crime to scuba dive deeper than 100 ft. Kuzo found the goggles extremely uncomfortable but he had no choice.

Kuzo got to the beach, it was the same, a couple of rubbish left here and there.

"These people have no idea what all this is gonna lead to in the future" He made sure he picked up all the rubbish before he changed into the swim suit. Then he got into the sea and swam till the suit picked up enough fuel to charge up and turn on. It radiated a beautiful light that glowed all around him. It was only when he dived under that he realized he had no equipment to keep him breathing but it was too late. He began to struggle. He'd forgotten to take breathing equipments.

He tried swimming back but the waves were so strong. They kept pulling him under. He soon ran out of breath and was taking in water. Kuzo could feel his lungs filling up, he stopped swimming as the waves overcame him, there was a dying urge to just breathe but he didn't till his body just gave up, then he began to breathe.


New York

Kuzo found his father's apartment easily. He had the entire street map memorized. He knocked on the door least expecting someone to open the door but they did and there he was.

Essien was shocked to see his son, dressed in nothing but the swim suit, he looked out for his wife but she was nowhere.

"Kuzo, what are you doing here?"

"Hi dad"

Kuzo pushed his way in before he was even invited but was surprised to find a red haired woman seated on the couch.

"This is Mariah, she's helping me with a case" Mariah looked at him, wondering why he was dressed like that.

"Oh, hi" Kuzo thought it weird that a woman was in his father's apartment at that odd time.

She waved with a smile.

"I didn't think you will be here" Kuzo said to his father.

"Yea, they let me out, lack of evidence, but why are you here, how did you get here anyway?"

"Erm, I took a bus" He lied, realizing they had a visitor.

"I should take my leave, we'll talk tomorrow" Mariah began to gather her papers and stood, then she wore her shoes, picked her bag and walked out. Essien walked her out.

"Thanks Mariah" He said.

"Anytime" She smiled and was gone, he shut the door.

"How did you get here Kuzo" His father asked, he obviously didn't believe him when he said he took the bus.

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