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London, United Kingdom

Nikolai walked into the museum with confidence and was treated with all due respect.

He was led to the relics that had been found.

"Who is in charge of these?" he asked.

"They were sent here to be kept, we aren't allowed to exhibit them yet till we have the go ahead" the museum keeper said.

"From whom?"

"Miss Freya Howard, she leads the research team understudying these ancient relics"

"I see"

Nikolai said, staring at the piece of the staff that rested in the glass casing. He needed to get it, whichever way possible. Legal or legal, he needed to get that staff.

"I'll see you soon my darling, I'll see you soon" He smiled a sinister smile.


George knocked at Freya's door just as a loud thunder sounded.

"Good heavens what is it with the weather these days" Freya threw her hands around him and kissed him after recovering quickly from the suddenness of fright.

"Hurry in, quick" Freya urged George in taking the bags containing food.

"Mmm, this smells delicious"

"It's from a new place I discovered while you were away and its strictly vegetarian so you can be sure they didn't use the same knives for slicing beef to chop the onions"

Freya smiled childishly and led the way.

"Oh and I brought your favorite" He conjured a bottle of wine from nowhere.

"Gosh, I love you" She planted a kiss on his cheek.

She got everything set for dinner and soon they were eating and talking about her trip, his work and how she met Summer and chanced upon the unveiling of strange ancient relics.

"There was something about those drawings on the stones, they reminded me a lot about the Binju girl my grandfather told me about when I was little" she said.

She had never mentioned the story of Mabu or the Binju tribe to George.

He said this necklace was my mother's and she gave it to her, the Binju girl.

"Wait, what, I'm lost" George confessed.

"Ugh, never mind, you would think I'm stupid"

"No, I wouldn't and you know it, I know you believe in magic a lot, I'd be damned if I thought you didn't because look at us, this is magic, what we have"

"Awww, that's so sweet George"

"So, the Binju girl?" he asked.  She scooped some lettuce unto her fork and smiled.

"Mabu, her name was Mabu"


It was six in the morning when Maia woke up suddenly, her heart racing and the only thing on her thoughts was her husband.

Something was wrong, She could feel it. But at first she thought it was just personal issues, but when she looked outside and saw the whirlpool in the sky with a pitch black hole in its centre, she knew something was awfully wrong and this was not just about Essien.

"I hope this isn't you Han"

She run down the stairs and was surprised to see Kuzo already up and in his tracksuit. He held a mug and the remote control to the TV.

"Kuzo, you're up early"

"I'm always up early mom, come see this" He turned up the volume.

"According to sources, the relics were under study by researcher and archaeologist, Freya Howard, who led the team that found these ancient items believed to have belonged to civilization more than ten centuries ago, just weeks prior to the theft, the museum authorities are concerned that the sudden theft will affect their credibility and may lead to a possible shut down. Freya Howard is yet to speak with the press, we would bring you details on that soon, Camilla Montez, reporting live from London"

Freya Howard" Maia repeated.

"Do you know her?"

"No" Maia said to her son.

Maia seemed lost in thought.

"Kuzo, I need to go to London and then to New York to find your father"

"Find dad, what do you mean by that?" Kuzo frowned.

"I'm afraid your dad may be in trouble"

"I'm coming with you"

"No, I'll take you to Gracie's, I can trust her, stay there till I return and Kuzo I swear if you do anything otherwise what I've said I will kill you, do you hear me" Kuzo was speechless, not because of his mothers words but because she looked scared. She walked closer and hugged him.

"I love you so much and I won't let anything happen to you, I need to get to Freya Howard and I need to get to her now, I need to know what she found and what exactly is missing"

"Seems windy out there"

Maia turned to the direction of the window that had just slammed the door shut.

"Go get a few things, I'd call Gracie"

Kuzo obeyed without question.

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