♛EPILOGUE: Welcome to the House of Murderers: "Truths Over Lies and Goodbyes"♛

Start from the beginning

"I swear to God Kim Taehyung if this isn't impor--"


 Taehyung said in a huff since he was running.

"Who are you talking about? And who got who exactly?"


 That was enough for Jungkook to listen carefully to what Taehyung was about to say.


And then Taehyung's panic huffs were interrupted and then Jin came in the other line.

"Listen here, you dipshit! This is your fault!


And then it was interrupted once again and then Taehyung came into the line.

"We saw the plate number of the car and we need you to meet us at this Hotel!

 I'll tell you the address!"

Jungkook hanged up and it wasn't seconds ago when Taehyung text him the said hotel where they would meet up to go and save Jimin.

"What happened Jungkook?" Hoseok asked in worry since Jungkook doesn't look okay after the call.

"Get your gun, hyung and call Namjoon and Yoongi..."

"We're about to kill another bastard."


Jimin woke up with a painful headache. He opened his eyes and saw himself in an unfamiliar bedroom with a cream-color and a classic themed. His eyes first met the ceiling. 

He was about to move but he felt his hands tied up on both ends of the bed, only his feet were free. He remembered what happened to him earlier and as to why he is where he is.

An opening of the door broke his thoughts and there entered the handsome-looking prince who abducted him earlier. The guy was plastering a very flashy smile as he stared at Jimin. He walked to the bed as his hand brushed against Jimin's cheek, caressing the smooth skin. Jimin didn't move either rejected the guy's touch on him.

"You're really beautiful..." And then the guy's touches goes down to Jimin's plump lips, feeling the skin there and loving how soft it felt. "I wonder how many times Jungkook had kissed this soft lips of yours."

"And maybe that's why Jungkook treasured you so much." The guy stated as he observed Jimin's face... down to Jimin's body as he licked his lips liking the sight in front of him. Jimin was tied up so Eunwoo, the handsome young man, was thinking of taking this chance to his advantage. 

♛Confession's Confusion♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now