78| When They Turn Into Toddlers

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Obi-Wan: He was confused. He knew what he wanted to say but he was lost at the same time?? You carried him around all day and he kept calling you mommy.

Anakin: Anakin would try to jam things together and build whatever he could. It was adorable to see him so small and you gave him all the snacks he wanted. Who knew your boyfriend was that one angelic precious toddler?

Ashoka: She didn't do much. She just wanted to relax and play with toys all day but you had to drop her off with Windu since you had a mission with Obi-Wan that day.

Padme: She wanted to go outside and explore the world after her nap time. She was energetic and one of those toddlers that you can spend all day with.

Qui-Gon: He wanted to be left alone to do his own thing as a toddler. He could care less about you.

Maul: He literally tried to bite everyone and push them. Damn kid.

Luke: He was curious about everything as a toddler. He wanted to know how everything worked and how to do things.

Han: As a toddler you just threw him at chewie and he was content with a big fluffy fur ball.

Leia: She was energetic. She would run around everywhere she could and she loved picking flowers.

Boba: Boba would play games and would love to spend time with you or everyone for that matter. He was quite the charmer as a toddler.

Finn: He was angelic and clingy. He was polite but he also didn't want to leave your side. You showed him the base and he was in awe and intimidated by how big it was.

Poe: He was rowdy as a toddler. He tried to create as much trouble as he can, even throwing himself in a wagon and slamming into a wall. He was... energetic.

Rey: She was a toddler that could sleep all day and was also clingy. She would get scared if you tried to leave, her abandonment issues shined through her toddler self as well.

Kylo: He was actually sweet as a toddler. Well mannered, would ask for things, loved sweets, and loved basically everything. He idolized the Jedi and loved everyone around him. Wonder what happened...

Hux: He was snooty. If he didn't get his ways as a toddler he would throw a tantrum and cry so loud that your ears would ring.

Phasma: She was a toddler that would wonder off but would be there once you searched for her. She loved sweets and was energetic.

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