20| Proposal

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Obi-Wan: One day you two were just relaxing on one of your rarer peaceful, relaxing days. While you two were cuddling he told you he didn't want to die not being married to you even if it wasn't allowed.

Anakin: Anakin knew it was against the rules but he didn't care. He wanted to marry you and didn't want to wait. So one night when you were sleeping he just slipped the ring on your finger. When you noticed the ring in the morning he informed you that you two were practically already married.

Ashoka: Ashoka knew that marriage was out of the question but promise rings weren't. She wanted to love you for the rest of her life, so one night she was stuttering like crazy and she confessed that she wanted to be there for you throughout the rest of your lives.

Padme: You two were sitting together and enjoying the beautiful lakes of Naboo. You both thought it was beautiful and you both decided you should just get married right then and there.

Qui-Gon: You two were practicing the force and all of a sudden Qui-Gon started moving a bunch of rocks around. You didn't know what he was doing. More and more rocks kept moving until they spelled out "Will You Marry Me, My Love"

Maul: He had failed at a mission and was mad at himself. He had gone outside to brood and you came to comfort him. He got up and you thought he was going to walk away but instead, he carved out "Marry Me" on a boulder with his lightsaber.

Luke: Luke was so nervous. He had tried to hide the ring in a cake but he got so flustered he dropped it all over you. He tried to help clean it up and kept apologizing and accidentally told you he was about to propose.

Han: You two had partied hard last night. When you woke up in the morning you both had wedding rings on.  You both turned and looked at each other and shrugged. You would give gotten married eventually.

Leia: One day you were helping Leia look for some battle plans she had misplaced. You opened a drawer and found a ring. Leia had completely forgotten the ring was there and said she had been meaning to propose.

Boba: Boba shoved a ring in the barrel of one of your guns. He took you down to the shooting range and asked you to check the barrel, once you found the ring you immediately slipped it on and kissed him.

Finn: He had been asking around how to propose and finally decided on the classic down on one knee. So on one of your dates, he just dropped down on one knee and asked you to be with him forever.

Poe: Poe is a big romantic and wanted to involve everyone on base. He took you out flying and when you were high in the sky he told you to look down. Everyone on base was information to read "Will You Marry Me?"

Rey: You two were running away after attacking the first order. While you were running you turned to her and asked her to marry you. She responded by saying yes but run you, idiot.

Kylo: You were sitting awkwardly next to Kylo on the bed. He hadn't talked in a long time. Finally, in your head, you heard him ask you to marry him.

Hux: Hux sent thousands of flowers to your room, he put your favourite chocolates wide across your bed with a note card in that said, 'Will you marry me?'. You walked in from a long day of work and saw the letter and him eating your chocolate, after swatting him you said yes.

Phasma: Phasma was on the battlefield with you right next to her, after she shot her blaster and ducked back down she looked at you directly in the eye and asked if you would marry her. Which you responded to "Of course but don't get mushy during battle idiot!".

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