90 | Your Guy's Thing

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Obi-Wan: The two of you would sarcastically flirt with each other. From when he sarcastically asked you on a date when the two of you were facing certain death or to when he comments on your outfits. Following from you throwing comments towards him.

Anakin: He would often take you on trips if the two of you had time off together. He liked to travel through space with you, two of his favorite things at once as you guys travelled to multiple systems and planets. His favorite space is taking you to the planet you enjoyed immensely, being covered in lush forests and beaches.

Ashoka: Paper was rare in the galaxy, rarely being seen as the galaxy advanced rapidly, everything now being technological. Despite this, if the two of you were come across paper you guys would fold it into paper hearts for each other and write small love notes.

Padme: You two would always get custom matching outfits! Getting them custom made was only for special occasions as the two of you weren't especially one's to flaunt wealth or status, especially Padme as she always wanted to be seen as normal and not snobbish. Padme enjoyed matching with you and designing the outfits together would always bring the biggest smile to her face.

Qui-Gon: Surprisingly, your guy's thing was not making tea together. Rather you two enjoyed the comfortable silence that came with meditating together. Spending time together quietly and reaching out to the force was pure serenity. Tea could always come later which it usually did after the two of you meditated.

Maul: You guy's would do obstacle courses together. It was a part of your training but there was one thing you guys made sure to do together and make a 'thing' was obstacle courses. Making a competition out of it and pushing your limits was a good form of training as the two of you improved.

Luke: Sleepovers. You two would have sleepovers quite often and had formed a small tradition with it, often switching places every time the two of you did. Often buying take out food from a local diner and snuggling with each other, every once in awhile you two would get into a small argument about which movie to watch.

Han: He was heavy on PDA. He enjoyed showing you off because to him, you were the light to his life. Without you he would only be an average smuggler in the galaxy who lacked of something, but with you he was complete. So he would enjoy wrapping his arm around your waist, kissing you every chance he got, and making flirtatious jokes towards you.

Leia: The two of you would make sure to call each other every morning. The two of you didn't see each other often from you being on the front lines so you would always call her and wish her a good day, letting her know you were safe and knowing she was. If the two of you were together however, you usually had a date night every week at different locations. Always trying something new.

Boba: The two of you made an effort to go on walks together if the two of you weren't busy. Enjoying the fresh air past practicing and going on contracts everyday and taking a break. Despite the weird looks the two of you would get from your armor you didn't mind, as long as the two of you were happy and content is all that mattered.

Finn: What originally happened because of impulse turned into a tradition and thing the two of you cherished and enjoyed. The two of you enjoyed stargazing at least once a month if not a larger time gap, setting blankets onto the grass and having a dinner picnic. Bantering about the possibilities in the world as he would also tell you how lucky he was to have met you. Appreciating you the moment you had come into his life.

Poe: Morning cuddles. If there wasn't morning sex you could always count on morning cuddles. He enjoyed holding you close and playing with your hair in the morning even if it was messy and tangled from a long nights rest. Holding you close and being near you, along with knowing he could pepper your face in kisses always put him in a good mood and dreaded when the two of you had to get ready for the day.

Rey: You two often enjoyed traveling together as you would scavenge for droid parts. Fixing up older droids on the bases that only had a few messed up wires or parts, fixing them and bringing new life to them. You two would also go to poorer towns and offer food and play with the children there, Rey having appreciated traveling and helping as much as as she could based off her own childhood.

Kylo: The both of you made an effort to train together every night to avoid Kylo destroying something. It was better to let it out healthily instead of causing a mess and it helped the two of you improve for real fights.

Hux: Hux would often get flowers delivered to your room with a small note card that he wrote himself. Telling you that he loves you and mentioning plans for later that evening in hopes that the two of you could meet up later for a small date night or even running any errands you need to. He would also go out of his way to buy you beautiful flowers, often saying that a beautiful lady such as you needs just as beautiful flowers.

Phasma: She would often go over with you on what stuff you have to work on to improve yourself and make sure your ready for any fight. She may seem rude or professional as a lover but in reality she just wants to make sure your as safe and prepared as possible. Not wanting to hear a message that you had failed to return from a mission.

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