37| Horror Movies and Cuddles

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Obi-Wan: He chose Insidious. You didn't agree but persevered, once the jump scares came you'd grab his hands and hide your eyes, at first he thought it was cute but once he realized it was actually scaring you he pulled you into a hug. He said he could change the movie however you decided to keep watching it, the two of you cuddled for the rest of the night. 

Anakin: The Conjuring just came out and Anakin was dying to see it, he loved the thrill of it all. Knowing how much you hated scary movies you bought comfort food, Popcorn. Once you two got settled into your seats you watched contently, Anakin saying they should've just moved out of the house. Once a jump scare came you threw your popcorn which landed on a strangers head and yelled "Screw you!"

Ashoka: You two decided to watch Death Day before the second came out. You two had fun and only got scared a few times but overall it wasn't scary. The reviews were false and the popcorn was delicious and made the date!

Padme: You two decided to have a movie-thon and you decided to watch The Boy. the popular ratings got the best of you and you figured it would be a comedy-horror movie. Boy were you wrong, by the end of the movie popcorn was spilled. You guys agreed the ending was terrible but the whole entire move gave off a creepy vibe.

Qui-Gon: Qui-Gon was calm and not afraid of anything, so he suggested you two should watch The Ring. Trying to impress him, you agreed, trying to not to be scared. He didn't catch the signals so you two watched it, when the original tape showed you were so uncomfortable that you hid your head into his chest, wrapping your arms around his body. Asking him to shut it off or tell you when it was over, he shut off the movie and caressed your cheek as he moved your hair. He apologized and tried to make it up to you later.

Maul: The Hill has Eyes was your guy's movie. It wasn't scary, it was more action and weird. However when the mutants entered the trailer you hid your eyes in the crook of his neck. Begging him tell you when it was over, he played with your hair afterwards knowing you were uncomfortable with those movie scenes and tried to comfort you.

Luke: The whole entire crew decided to watch movies it was your turn to pick so you chose The Cabin in the Woods, not knowing what it was about. As the movie progressed you found it genuinely thrilling and had a lust for more, that was until the sex scene came on. Aroused and uncomfortable you left the room with Luke following behind you, wanting to make sure you're okay.

Han: You lost a bet to Chewie on movies because you messed up fixing the ship. He made you watch The Orphanage, having seen it after he got freed with Han and Lando. You dragged Han onto one of the beds and started it, for most of the movie you'd keep a hand on his thigh, squeezing it ever so softly when you got scared. In response, he'd pull you into his chest and joke how much of a pussy cat you are.

Leia: Ghosts! If Force Ghosts exist why can't actual ghosts exist? Leia and you decided to put it to the test because the two of you were bored, you made a homemade Ouija board and summoned a spirit to watch the movie afterwards. Afterwards it turns out it was evil and decided to mess with the tv making you guys scared and annoyed at the same time. You threw popcorn and held each other for dear life. You guys would never do this again.

Boba: Boba wanted to take you out to a luxury movie theatre after killing a senator and seeing tickets for the Sixth Sense, you obviously agreed thinking it would be some kind of war movie or romance movie. You got so scared that you literally straddled yourself on top of him and stared at the projector, he wrapped a arm on your back and played with your hair, appreciating the touch and not realizing how scared you were.

Finn: Don't Breathe was your favorite movie of all time, it may be weird but it was so intense that it left you wanting more. You decided to show it to Finn but he was so innocent that he didn't realize what was truly happening to the poor girl, you told him and immediately comforted him. The fact that he didn't know surprised you, but the fact that you loved and adored him only made it more touching for you to comfort him.

Poe: Demons, clowns, alike, perfect Halloween right? Wrong. You and Poe were watching It when he decided he wanted to be freaky out of nowhere, not to mention at one of the scariest parts where his mouth showed everything. You took it as a distraction, you two never finished the movie.

Rey: You guys decided to watch the Purge. You enjoyed it but Rey hated it. She related the government to the First Order and starting getting upset when she found out you enjoyed what the government did, you disagreed and said the action was good. She then went into the feelings of abandonment and hurt and how all the homeless children would feel, you comforted her throughout the movie. Hugging her and telling her that it's only a movie and it'll never happen in real life.

Kylo: A Quiet Place was what Hux told you two watch and you hesitatingly took his offer. When you two started the movie you were absolutely shocked when the kid died. This movie gave you two more ideas for the First Order and not to mention cuddling and a intense makeout session.

Hux: Paranormal Activity scared the living crap out of you. It was all fun and games until you thought about things being based on a true story. You were asleep in your bed afterwards when you swore something was nearby, you called Hux and he cuddled with you and told ghosts didn't exists.

Phasma: Evil Dead was stupid in Phasma's eyes and refused to watch it. You were stuck watching it alone until a hot guy/girl entered and you both watched.

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