49| Your Daughter Gets Her Heart Broken

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Obi-Wan: You two wanted to comfort her and let her cry on your shoulders. Obi might make sassy comments.

Anakin: He got angry and wanted to hurt someone but you helped him realize that it was more important to comfort his daughter. 

Ashoka: She was heartbroken someone would even want to hurt her. She was the sunshine to anyone's soul. She tried everything in her power to separate her and the bully.

Padme: You two helped her talk through it and let her know much she was loved by the both of you. 

Qui-Gon: You both try to help her feel better and show her she will feel better soon.

Maul: You two go find whoever upset her and make sure they won't mess with her ever again.

Luke: Your daughter didn't want to talk to either of you just yet but you both made sure to let her know you both would be there for her when she was ready.

Han: You both makes jokes about whoever broke her heart until she smiles.

Leia: You both tell your daughter she is too good for whoever broke her heart and she is better off without them.

Boba: You both make sure your daughter's shooting skills are at their best in case someone tries to hurt her again.

Finn: You two give her lots of love and try to do things she likes to make her feel better. 

Poe: You two made sure the whole Base was there for her and could get her whatever she needed.

Rey: You two weren't sure how to help her but made sure you two spent time with her and showed her she wasn't alone.

Kylo: You have to stop him from force choking whoever broke her heart.

Hux: You two comfort her and Hux tells her not to worry because he is going to take care of whoever hurt her.

Phasma: Phasma says she always knew that person was trouble. You try to shut her up and just be there for your daughter.

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