65| When They Get Gamer Rage

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Obi-Wan: He'll toss the controller to the ground and shove his head into his hands while silently screaming.

Anakin: He'll scream at the tv and in extreme conditions, he'll throw the controller.

Ashoka: She turns off the game and cools off before searching up on how to pass it.

Padme: She doesn't play games sadly.

Qui-Gon: He walks away and never touches the game again.

Maul: He breaks things around him while screaming how idiotic everything is.

Luke: He'll claim the force doesn't like him while crying.

Han: He sighs heavily and goes on a trip while complaining about how hard it is.

Leia: She thinks games are a nuisance.

Boba: He asks you for help after screaming and throwing insults at the tv for a bit and gets annoyed when you pass it with ease.

Finn: He sighs and talks about how hard it is without giving up.

Poe: He laughs during it but once it gets too bad he'll start cursing under his breath.

Rey: She blasts music while pounding aggressively on the buttons.


Hux: He breaks the disc.

Phasma: She asks you and her stormtroopers to help while kicking things lightly but she eventually does it on her own.

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