66| When They Drive a Car for the First Time

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Obi-Wan: He was a hot mess. He was sweating and kept almost crashing. You had to grab onto the steering wheel a few times but after an area and hitting a pole... you took over.

Anakin: He went Grand Theft Auto mode. He paid no attention to the laws, almost ran people over, and wanted to crash into something for fun. Lord help him.

Ashoka: She started crying and got scared to go anywhere since she only knew how to fly ships.

Padme: She asked you what to do so you tried to teach her the best you can.

Qui-Gon: He was drinking tea while driving but he accidentally hit the petal on reverse causing a crash. People know him as the tea driver from the news now.

Maul: He tried to purposely run people over with you screaming at him to stop. He called a fake sith.

Luke: He thought it was like driving a ship so he clicked every button but that resulted in the car going into emergency mode and someone called the police.

Han: He smirked as he crashed into a bank because he thought it had a load of credits.

Leia: She was defensive the whole entire time and ran through a park while one of the fences got stuck to the car.

Boba: He was hitting his guns and hit the drive and slammed his gun on the petal. You two travelled to the mountains while almost hitting a wall.

Finn: He had you take over because he didn't want to hurt anyone.

Poe: The first thing he did was ask how to make donuts when you told him how that's what you two did for hours.

Rey: You two were screaming the whole entire time while Rey was trying to not hit anything.

Kylo: He purposefully crashed into things and added a custom horn that said "It's Kylo of the First Order bow down," and he was hitting that the whole entire time.

Hux: He huffed and claimed he read manuals when he took 30 minutes to turn the car on.

Phasma: She accidentally hit a civilian and a stormtrooper and drove off.

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