26| Helping You After a Nightmare

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Obi-Wan: After you woke up screaming he would tell you he was there for you. You guys would cuddle until you fell back to peaceful sleep.

Anakin: He was used to nightmares so he would want to talk it out with you and let you know it happened to him too.

Ashoka: She came into your room with small snacks and some water. She'd sit there and rub your back until your ready to talk and she'd let you know it was only a nightmare.

Padme: You guys would talk through the nightmare and try to figure out why it happened to make sure it wouldn't happen again.

Qui-Gon: He would talk with you make you some sleepy time tea.

Maul: You wanted a distraction from thinking about your nightmare so he decided you two should do some martial art practice to take your mind off it.

Luke: He was so worried about you. He would ask what would make you feel better. You just hugged him and he told you he would always protect you.

Han: He knew you were feeling bad so he told you jokes or stories until you smiled again.

Leia: You two would go and walk around the base together until you felt better.

Boba: He would want to try and help you face whatever you were afraid of.

Finn: Sweet kisses until you fell back to sleep.

Poe: He would sing or hum to you to try and help lull you back to sleep.

Rey: She would comb her hands through your hair to try and help you relax.

Kylo: You two both had lots of nightmares so you two would always hold each other and comfort each other.

Hux: He wasn't sure what to do but he wanted to try. He went and got you some food and you guys ate while you talked about your nightmare.

Phasma: Phasma would rub your back and try to comfort you, she was new to this stuff and didn't know what to do.

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