63| How They Take Care of You When You're Sick

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Obi-Wan: He'll let people know you won't be making it somewhere if you have places to be and will make some nice warm soup for you. He lets you have a day to relax and do whatever you please.

Anakin: He checks your forehead and says he'll be right back. He doesn't come back until mid-afternoon but when he does he has stashes of food, drinks, and medicine for you.

Ashoka: Ashoka asks what you want to do and you say go training. You knew Obi-Wan would understand but Ashoka lets him know and he gave the easiest tasks to make sure you don't wear yourself out.

Padme: She took you into a medical facility to make sure there was nothing seriously wrong with you, once you were cleared she offered to have medical bots to take care of you.

Qui-Gon: He made you tea to help you sleep and let you rest on the bed, he pulled a blanket over you and gave you a small bell to ring whenever you needed him.

Maul: He made you train, he figured the harder you worked the quicker it would go away. Turns out it had the opposite effects on you and he would hear for multiple weeks how terrible of a decision it was.

Luke: He filled the bed with soft pillows, gave you a heated blanket, turned on a new thing, and gave you whatever you needed. He even read a book to help you fall asleep when you got tired.

Han: He thought you weren't sick until you threw up the next day. After that, he got some medicine and told you to just hang out instead of fixing the ship and Chewie gave you company.

Boba: He cancelled everything and did all of the activities you enjoyed, you two made slime, watched movies, slept, cooked, and cleaned your weapons.

Leia: She made sure you still worked but you took some medicine prior to lessen the effects.

Finn: He kept apologizing and kept asking if there was anything he could do, you told him no and napped for the rest of the day.

Poe: Poe found out while he was trying to get you into the mood, he ends up giving you a back massage and anywhere else he could think of to make you feel better.

Rey: She couldn't help too much but she made sure you got some sleep and accommodated your needs with you constantly switching from hot to cold.

Kylo: He just told you to suck it up and that there were more pressing matters.

Hux: You told him you weren't feeling good and he asked Kylo to give you a day off but he just said they couldn't lose one of their top stormtroopers for the battle later today.

Phasma: She sighed and had you clean up the other stormtroopers armour, it was most she could do for you other than give you aspirin or Tylenol.

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