14 | We're Having a Child PT.1

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Obi-Wan: You were scared to tell him since you were both Jedi. The Council was definitely going to notice this. Obi was very excited about the baby but was stressed out too. You two cuddled each other and focused on how happy you two were to have a baby and knew you would figure it out with the Council.

Anakin: You were very scared to tell Anakin you were pregnant. You didn't want him to be mad especially since you guys were keeping your relationship a secret since you were both Jedi. But he was so excited and couldn't stop hugging you and crying with happiness.

Ashoka: You guys didn't have a child because you two were way too young. So instead you guys looked into adopting an animal and you guys were excited to be animal parents.

Padme: You two had decided to adopt a child from the outer rim to give them a better chance at life. You wanted the child to be safe and the two of you agreed to move to Naboo in the country side to raise them.

Qui-Gon: You were very compassionate and when you saw this little orphan boy you couldn't leave him alone. You hoped Qui-Gon would understand. He fell in love with the little boy the moment he saw him and was so glad you took him in.

Maul: You were very scared to tell him you were pregnant. Would he want to be a father? At first, when you told him he seemed to have no emotion. Finally, he hugged you and told you he would do anything to protect you and your child.

Luke:  You weren't sure how to tell Luke you were pregnant. When you did tell him he couldn't stop smiling. He told you how much he loved you and the baby and started kissing your stomach. You knew he would make an amazing father.

Han: You were scared to tell Han. You weren't sure if he was going to be father material. When you told him he looked completely shocked. Finally, he snapped out of it and said he has to toughen up and gave you his usual smirk before he kissed you.

Leia: When you were on an exploration mission you found a child in the snow and saved them. They had no family and you knew you found them for a reason. Leia was so glad you saved them.

Boba: Boba didn't want to believe it, he was so astonished. He also cursed at the galaxy for having less protection, he said he would help you raise it and he was happy but a part of you doubted him.

Finn: You didn't know how to tell Finn you were pregnant. How do you even have that conversation? Finn was so excited. He was glad to have a chance to raise a child since he was never properly raised with a loving family. He ran around and started telling everyone on the base.

Poe: You were scared to tell him so you decided to enlist BB-8. You put your pregnancy test in one of the droid's compartments and had BB-8 deliver it to Poe. Poe was so happy and ran around the base until he found you to engulf you into his arms.

Rey: You weren't sure if Rey wanted to raise a child but you knew you couldn't leave this poor little girl alone after her family had died.  You told Rey and she was a little skeptical but when the little girl entered her heart melted. She saw herself when she was little.

Kylo: Nervous to tell him, you told him before he went on one of his dangerous missions. He was skeptical at first but when he found three heartbeats coming from you, he ran up to you and embraced you alluringly. Before he left he gave you a kiss on the lips and promised he would help raise the children and would protect you at all costs.

Hux: Hux was overjoyed, he was so happy that he would have another little general around! He embraced you and caressed your cheek, telling you that he was excited to be a father.

Phasma: She was the one who was pregnant, so when she told you after training you almost passed out. You pecked her lips and let her know that the two of you were going to have one hell of a stormtrooper running around soon. You two were overjoyed.

Lando: When you had told Lando you weren't sure what to expect. Would he want to be a father? Would he be willing to put the smuggling and dangerous parts of his life behind? All of those were questions you had. When you did eventually tell him he was excited to leave that life behind and give you and your future child the safe world you guy's deserved as a politician, that you know of.

Rose Tico: She was ner

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