67| When You Two Go Long Distance

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Obi-Wan: It was hard at first. Definitely harder than what you would expect but you knew he would come back safe despite him being gone longer than he said he would.

Anakin: You were terrified. You knew Anakin was a good fighter and that he can hold his own ground but a part of you was always worried if he would make it home safe.

Ashoka: You two would keep in touch by holograms sent to each other, although you two missed each other. You guys were content with what you had.

Padme: She would make a hologram call making sure you ate and had everything you needed to start your day. You guys always told each other good morning.

Qui-Gon: He always brought a few boxes of tea with him but although you two didn't stay in contact you knew he would be safe for the most part.

Maul: He'll talk to you for a tiny bit but then he would forget to call you at all.

Luke: He would send you small gifts and give you a good morning message every day.

Han: He would always leave you his jacket and Chewie so you'll never get lonely.

Leia: She'll always check in with you to make to make sure you weren't in any trouble since you were always out fighting.

Boba: He would sever all contact with you in case he died.

Finn: He would kiss you on top of the forehead and promise he'll come back before he leaves. After that, it's no communication since he's always asleep or doing something.

Poe: You guys would have goodbye sex then afterwards he would keep in contact with you from little letters delivered by Leia and gave you his jacket.

Rey: She would try to call you as much as she can so you wouldn't feel lonely or think she died. She missed you dearly.

Kylo: He would always call you to ask how the base was but, in reality, he was checking in on you.

Hux: He would send you flowers and would always pick up whenever you called him because he knew how hard it was on you.

Phasma: She would leave you her signature perfume to spray whenever she left if you missed her and would call in through holograms. You got to command all of the new troops.

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