24| Your Period

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Obi-Wan: He found some really nice chocolates and he would feed you.

Anakin: He knew you felt bad on your period so he would always give you compliments and tell you how beautiful you are.

Ashoka: For the most part she left you alone but she'd buy you a weeks worth of chocolate and bought you medicine.

Padme: She was on her period too so you two would stay in bed,cuddle, and talk all night.

Qui-Gon: He would get you a heating pad and rub your head to make you feel better.

Maul: He wasn't sure what to do but he made sure you had everything you needed and gave you a tender massage.

Luke: You were laying in your bed having cramps. Luke came and layed by you. Everytime you groaned in pain Luke would then make a high screeched whine to make you smile. You two started making loud noises together.

Han: He would usually say something stupid and you would kick him out of your room. He would finally apologize and you two would watch movies together.

Leia: You guys would lay in bed and just relax.

Boba: Boba just left you alone, he was scared he'd get blasted into oblivion.

Finn: When you were on your period you liked to complain. You would sit and vent to him and he didn't mind because he knew it made you feel better. 

Poe: Ice cream! He would bring a whole tub of Ice cream with two spoons.

Rey: Both of you would relax and she would let you braid her hair since you enjoyed it.

Kylo: Kylo always whined when you were on your period so you kicked him out of your room. He would slip you little presents under the door to make you feel better afterwards.

Hux: He'd gift you with everything he could think of. Flowers, massages, chocolate, ice cream, romance movies. All. Of. It. You loved him for that.

Phasma: Phasma wouldn't have it with your complaining of cramps and feeling sick. She told you to shove a tampon up before she'd shove a tampon in your mouth.

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