32| How They Act When You're Clingy

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Obi-Wan: He thinks it's because he's been away a lot on missions so he tries to give you extra attention.

Anakin: He's really smug about it because he loves how much you love him.

Ashoka: She'd ask if anything was wrong and give you all of her attention which annoyed Anakin.

Padme: Talks to you about why you have been extra clingy. Just to make sure nothing is wrong.

Qui-Gon: Tries to give you lots of love and attention so you feel loved.

Maul: At first it might have annoyed him but then he realized he liked the attention you gave him.

Luke: He was excited because he wasn't being the clingy one like he usually is.

Han: Made jokes about how you are so in love with him and can't live without him.

Leia: She'd wouldn't really know what to do at first but then she'd like your affection.

Boba: Wouldn't like it during a mission but would be fine other times. 

Finn: Excited because he realizes how much you care about him.

Poe: Tries to spend lots of time with you.

Rey: At first does like it but kind of misses it when you try to back off.

Kylo: He doesn't like it in front of others but when you are alone he loves it.

Hux: He said he didn't have time to be romantic right now but he'd make it up to you later.

Phasma: You can't see it through her armor but all the attention from you made her blush a little.

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