88 | Small Things They Do

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Obi-Wan: He tends to kiss your hand as a greeting or when he's leaving. The small action being seen as formal by many but to him it was his way to show you his affection on a consistent and daily basis. Often doing so when he knew the two of you couldn't be caught.

Anakin: He would often playfully bump into you or let his hand gently linger against yours. Showing that you he was still here if you needed him and that he cared for you greatly, being something he would do in public or when you two were doing anything else.

Ashoka: She would usually wait for you if you're trying to wrap up something after a mission, waiting to walk with you where the two of you were headed. Not leaving and making you catch up.

Padme: She would usually make sure you received all of her attention when you spoke about something you were passionate about. Even if she didn't get it she would still listen and try to research the topic later so you can talk more about it.

Qui-Gon: If he was ever out and about, on a mission or doing anything else. He would make sure to buy you your favorite snack or drink, giving you a small gift when he would come home. The thing becoming a ritual for the two of you as you would buy tea in return.

Maul: He would always offer you help about training. He knew being under palpatine was hard along with the training of it and wanted to help you improve whenever he could. Despite seeming annoyed at first he was actually glad he could.

Luke: He would squish your cheeks, it was a joke between the two of you and it was something he would always do to bring a smile to your face. The same smile he had fallen for and always enjoyed seeing.

Han: Flirting. He would always flirt with you even if he didn't try to. Expressing his affection by consistently giving you compliments or in other ways.

Leia: She would always lean against you if the two of you had downtime and hung out together. She would casually lay her head on your shoulder or just relax with you.

Boba: If he was ever cleaning his blasters he would clean yours as well without being asked to. Wanting to make sure both your guy's things would be in top condition for when you would use it and not dirty.

Finn: He would always break into a ramble about how much he had loved and adored you. It didn't matter where the two of you were or what you were doing, he would randomly express his love for you by saying how lucky he was to have met you and how much he truly fell for you.

Poe: If he happened to be busy or you and he stopped by, he would give you a small kiss on the cheek or any part that was accessible.

Rey: She would hold your hand while the two of you walked in busy areas, not wanting to lose you and would do the small thumb thing.

Kylo: If you had a nightmare he would always make room for you to spend the night in his quarters, always having a few extra pillows if you were to come in.  Not minding spending the night with you if it had meant you would feel more comfortable. You already spent a lot of time in his quarters so the extra pillows just became a casual thing as well.

Hux: He would always nod to you in the hallways, something he would do with many but he took his time to greet you and acknowledge your presence.

Phasma: Phasma didn't do anything in particular but she did give you higher expectations than the rest of the stormtroopers. Expecting more effort from you.

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