51| How They Wake Up in the Morning

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Obi-Wan: Hugs and cuddles. He tends to wrap his arms around your waist in the morning and nuzzle his head in the crook of your neck not ready for today's adventures.

Anakin: When Anakin tries to get out of bed to shower and get dressed, you cling yourself onto his back getting a piggyback ride. He'll sigh and slowly get you off, promising he'll come back to you tonight.

Ashoka: She normally groans and tries to hit her alarm but hits you instead.

Padme: Short sweet kisses and you hugging her. You guys are the most intimate in the mornings and you two enjoyed the sweet touch of each other in the morning.

Qui-Gon: He'd pull you into his chest and you'd snuggle into him. Relishing in his warmth. You two would talk about your plans for the day.

Maul: You'd straddle him in the morning and place kisses on his neck and chest telling him how excited you are to train with him.

Luke: Morning kisses. You two would give each other a quick peck while you rested your head against his usually bare chest. You two would talk about what to eat for breakfast and what the crew members are doing at the second.

Han: Just know that you two usually had sex in the morning.

Leia: You and Leia would throw each other your guy's clothes and help pick out your outfits for the day.

Boba: When getting ready you'd cling yourself to his leg, asking him to spend the day with you. It hurt you to see him leave but he'd promise you that he'd be safe and alive when he got back.

Finn: He'd shower you in compliments and you'd tell him how handsome and how lucky you were to have him.

Poe: Morning sex.

Rey: You guys would usually eat food together in bed and talk about life.

Kylo: He'd smack your butt and tell you how sexy you look when you wake up. This normally lead to you whining on how tired you were and how you weren't in the mood.

Hux: Since Hux was normally awake before you he'd order breakfast to be delivered to your quarters and would make sure that your uniform was ready for you. He would normally neatly fold it on the night stand and would leave little love letters.

Phasma: She won't share a bed with you so you wouldn't know. You two took extra precautions to make your relationship a secret.

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