27| You Can't Have Kids

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Obi-Wan: You knew Jedi couldn't have kids but you were still upset when you heard. He cuddled with you and talked it through with you.

Anakin: He didn't want you to be alone during this and wanted to help you take your mind off it. He made sure to spend extra time with you and try to make you smile.

Ashoka: She tried to make the best of the situation considering on how young the two of you were. She bought you a little piglet to keep you company and to help you out from animal therapy. She didn't leave your side until she knew you were okay.

Padme: You had been pretending you weren't upset and ignoring your feelings. She tried to get you to open up and talk so you could feel better. She just didn't want you repressing your emotions.

Qui-Gon: He would be there to comfort you, give you words of kindness, and let you know all your options in case you ever wanted to adopt a child.

Maul: You hadn't planned on having kids but you didn't like not having the option. Maul knew you were going through a rough time and tried to be more caring and sweeter.

Luke: You were both upset and grieved together but understood it was something neither of you could change. You knew you couldn't have children but you two helped teach younglings the way of the Jedi in return for it.

Han: He was worried to talk to you at first after you told him. He didn't want to accidentally say something that upset you but he soon realized he just needed to be there for you.

Leia: She made sure to take some time off to spend more time with you and make sure you didn't feel alone.

Boba: You told him you weren't upset about it but he saw how upset you were and tried to give you more care and attention.

Finn: He didn't know what to do. So he would just hold you and say sweet nothings to comfort you.

Poe: You two were both very upset but knew it was no one's fault and comforted each other. If BB-8 wasn't like your child before the droid was now.

Rey: She saw how sad you were and understood your desire for a family. She made sure to stay with you as much as possible to help you through it.

Kylo: He was upset that you were upset. He couldn't fix it and he definitely got angry about it. Soon after he saw how upset you were he stopped focusing on himself and tried to be there for you.

Hux: He hired the best doctors to see if there was anything to do. You were worried that he would be upset but he made sure to show you that you were more important.

Phasma: Phasma wasn't sure how to comfort you but she asked you what you needed from her and helped out the best she could.

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