40| A quirk they like about you

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Obi-Wan: He likes how shy you are. You're meeting a new person you will hide from them immediately behind Obi.

Anakin: Anakin loves how much you like to travel and the glimmer he sees in your eyes when you see planets or unexplored galaxies.

Ashoka: She likes how you like to make sure your lightsaber is clean after and before every fight you get into.

Padme: Padme likes how much jewelry you wear, you can never get enough of it. You two relate on fashion so she thinks that you wearing a lot of jewelry is a statement. Especially as a guard when you're not supposed to.

Qui-Gon: He falls in love with you every time you snort when you laugh. He finds it adorable and could never hear it enough.

Maul: Loves your cocky arrogant attitude. It will make him furious at times but he can never get enough.

Luke: He likes how much you enjoy books. Is it a terrible idea to read in a battlefield? Absolutely. Does Luke adore when you do read? Yes. However he's also concerned when you're reading in the middle of a battlefield. 

Han: Han loves that light snore you make when sleeping, he finds it soothing and helps him sleep at night.

Leia: She loved how you wore pink every Wednesday. She adored it and if you were to change colors she'd probably ask where Regina George went.

Boba: He loved how you slightly bite your lip when you're nervous or in a new situation.

Finn: He loves how you act that everyone you meet or know is your best friend. You're the love of his life because of how friendly you are.

Poe: Poe likes how you're always day dreaming, he likes the look in your eyes when you're thinking of something else.

Rey: She loves how easily you can forgive people, but she also finds it odd. The fact that you can forgive Kylo's actions makes her uneasy.

Kylo: He loves how you're a night owl and how at night you'll come over to his room and tell him that everything would be okay.

Hux: He loves how you collect rocks from different planets that you two have traveled to on your guy's adventures. He'll even grab some rocks for you if he went to a planet by himself.

Phasma: She loves on how you love conspiracy theories. She finds them dumb but she'll tolerate for it for you.

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