69| When You Get a Pregnancy Scare

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Obi-Wan: Obi-Wan was disappointed but also extremely relieved. It meant your guys' relationship could be a secret for a little while longer.

Anakin: Anakin was frustrated over it. He wanted to start a family but he knew it probably wasn't the right time if you weren't.

Ashoka: You two thought she was pregnant from holding hands since her period was late. The relief you two felt when she got it a few weeks later was worth it.

Padme: You two were disappointed. You guys have been trying for a while now.

Qui-Gon: You two were disappointed but you guys also didn't mind. You guys knew you two would most likely have a child later on.

Maul: He wasn't really ready for a child anyways. So it was a win for both of you.

Luke: He was disappointed but he also knows it was for the better. You two couldn't save the galaxy while taking care of baby right?

Han: You were so relieved. You knew he wouldn't be good father material and he admitted it too. Maybe one day but that day isn't going to be for a while.

Leia: You two didn't really mind. A baby would've been nice but not having one is also nice.

Boba: You two would keep trying to have a family since you two wanted to expand it.

Finn: You were happy but he was grumpy about it for the next few days.

Poe: Both of you were annoyed when it was a false pregnancy. You two would've wanted a little pilot around here but BB8 was already like a child.

Rey: She wasn't ready for a family and neither were you. You guys were content with what happened.

Kylo: He was so annoyed it was a scare. He would've wanted kids unplanned or not and you were hoping to. Maybe they could bring him to the light.

Hux: He got upset. He started talking about nurseries and how great they would be before you found it was a false pregnancy. He was understandably upset.

Phasma: She was happy. She didn't think the stress from ordering a battalion would go well with a woman who's having a baby.

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