81| Your First Argument

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Obi-Wan: Your first argument was wether or not it was okay to disobey the tenets of the Jedi. He strongly believed in them and he didn't like the fact you were so loose with them.

Anakin: Your first argument was how you wouldn't cover his back if he pulled some dark side stuff that the Jedi wouldn't allow. You didn't want to carry a burden and have him get worse.

Ashoka: Your first argument was about how to hold your lightsaber and wether or not crystals actually choose you and if you leave footprints through the force.

Padme: You two never got into an argument. You guys were open with each other and you made communication, your boundaries, and what you expected clear.

Qui-Gon: Your first argument was when you drank all his tea when he was off training obi-wan. You have no regrets.

Maul: Your first argument was that you didn't want him with you for your first mission. He claimed it's because he was liked killing but in all reality he was also worried about you.

Luke: Your first argument was actually about his dad. You claimed things were bound to stay this way and he didn't appreciate the negativity, he knew Vader was still Anakin underneath all those clothes.

Han: Your guys first argument was when he stole a bunch of pizza and a cargo ship. You told him to return but he kept it for himself and never told you about it until you saw his records.

Leia: Your guys first argument were about sporks. Yes sporks. You found them too chaotic and she found them perfect.

Finn: Your guys first argument was when he just escaped the first order. You told him that that things were more colorful beyond the first order and that he wouldn't of fit in. He quickly argued at that since that's all he knew.

Poe: Your guys first argument was when you intentionally repaired his ship wrong since he called you a liability. It ended how it always does.

Rey: You and Rey argued that maybe Kylo's head was in the right place but he was too scared to change to the light since he has thing keeping him to the dark side.

Kylo: Your guys first argument was when you two first discussed Snoke for the first time. You guys were quiet about your relationship and you argued you guys should just tell him but he was scared you'd get hurt.

Hux: You two argued about wether or not he actually had power. It seemed Kylo controlled the ship and you made the mistake commenting on it.

Phasma: Phasma argued with you since you were being reckless and cleaned your gun wrong. She wasn't having you almost kill some troops.

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