68| When You Breakup

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Obi-Wan: You two have been fighting a lot lately. Nothing you did or he would make you two satisfied. It just wasn't a good relationship and the arguments were taking a toll on both of you. You called it quits and both of you knew it was for the better but your relationship was never the same.

Anakin: Your relationship with the goof was everything you could've hoped for. The only thing that made it end was when you found out he was cheating on you with another Jedi. You avoided him ever since.

Ashoka: You weren't ready for a serious commitment to her.

Padme: She felt like you didn't understand. What was a big issue for her was a small issue to you, what was important to her wasn't important to you? You two were just too different and breaking up with you was one of the hardest things for her to do.

Qui-Gon: Breaking up was one of the hardest things for the two of you to do. You two were just better as friends and coworkers than lovers.

Maul: Darth Sidious was threatening to end one of you if you two didn't break up since it was distracting you guys from your path. So you two broke up.

Luke: You two were currently long distance and it was too much for him. So he ended up breaking up with you but he said it was possible for you two to be together again if you ever saw each other again. It never happened.

Han: You two were always letting each other down. Your relationship was filled with false promises, failed commitments, and you always forgot your anniversary and Valentine's Day. You two were too secretive and you two decided you guys would be better with someone else.

Leia: You broke up with her because she always brought you down into a bad mood. To you, she was always negative but had her noble intentions.

Boba: He broke up with you so that way in case something ever did happen to him, it would hurt less for you and vice versa.

Finn: The stress with everything going on caught up with you and in one of your bad moods you two broke up. You guys got back together afterwards but it doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

Poe: Before you, two broke up you guys had sex as usual but once the talk happened it went downhill from there. He didn't want to break up with you but taking care of you and him (emotionally wise) was a lot for him at the time.

Kylo: You two broke up when he returned to the light. Everything he put you through when he was going through the dark side and inner turmoil caused you to go dark. It was already hurting him seeing you affected so much by his actions but it hurt him more when you told him he was only holding you back.

Hux: He was too controlling and demanding. You two had talks in the past and he never changed his behaviour. So you called it quits.

Phasma: Everyone on the first order base found out about your guy's relationship. That's when things went downhill since Kylo and Hux got involved and were extremely disapproving and annoyed. You two called it quits since you two couldn't handle the pressure (although Phasma said she could handle it).

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