22| Your Death

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Obi-Wan: You had been stabbed during a lightsaber duel with General Grievous. Obi had caught you when you fell to the ground. He was crying and buried his head in your hair.

Anakin: You had been sick for a long time and Anakin had tried to find a cure but couldn't. He held you while you were dying. You told him not turn to the dark side but you could already fill the rage inside him from losing you.

Ashoka: You died at the hands of Count Dooku, you went on a mission but when you never came back Ashoka asked Obi-Wan what happened. He informed her that you took a fatal blow for him and that before you two arrived you passed on to the force.

Padme: Someone was trying to attack her and you stepped in front of her to keep her safe. After you were shot one of her other guards took out the attacker. Padme sobbed and reached for you but it was too late.

Qui-Gon: You two went to protect a village that was being attacked. You saw a child about to be killed and you stepped in to save them and was shot. Qui-Gon went to you and was devastated. He tried to whisper kind words to calm you. His consolation was that he had taught you how to live beyond with the force and he hoped to see you soon.

Maul: Darth Sidious was mad that Maul had been distracted by you. So he decided to get rid of you. Darth Maul walked in on him using force lighting against you. By the time he got to you it was too late and when you drew your last breath he felt his heart grow cold. He pledged to avenge you.

Luke: Vader had targeted you because he hoped your death would bring Luke to the dark side. Luke had been trying to get to you before it was too late. When he barged into the room you dropped to the floor after being force choked by Vader. Luke ran to you screaming. He promised you he would never go dark.

Han: You had told him that this smuggling job was dangerous but he wouldn't listen. When you got shot he felt so stupid and angry at himself. He tried to help but it was too late. He always blamed himself for what happened.

Leia: When you were dying from a gunshot Leia told you it would be okay and quickly started to act to help you. She kept moving because she didn't want to think about what was about to happen. You asked her to stop so you could tell her you love her for the first time.

Boba: Boba tried to tell you not to go on Jabba's ship with him but you weren't having it and went away. When you were eaten by the sand monster, he regretted letting you in on the mission for the rest of his life and never talked about you since.

Finn: One of the stormtroopers that Finn used to know was infuriated with him for leaving. He aimed at Finn but you pushed him out of the way. Finn stroked your hair and kept saying how sorry he was.

Poe: When you two were flying Poe was behind you and saw your ship crash. He tried to land quickly to help you. When he found your body in the crash he tried to get you to his ship but you told him not to move you because you knew what was about to happen. You put your arms around each other for one last embrace.

Rey: There was a strange disease going around and sadly one day you caught it. It crept up on you and you got sick quickly. Rey had a wet cloth on you trying to bring your fever down but you were already too far gone. She couldn't believe that you were gone and she was left alone again.

Kylo: Snoke saw you pulling Kylo to the light so he decided to finish you off and make Kylo watch. When Kylo saw you hurting he went to attack Snoke. Snoke was too quick and killed you quickly. He ran to you and found you had stopped breathing. He then attacked Snoke with all his power and soon joined you.

Hux: Hux and Kylo were arguing once again. However once you decided to step in Kylo lost all control of his anger, force choking you accidentally too hard and when in fact he meant to choke Hux. Once he realized what happened he stopped immediately and felt terrible, the emotions of the light immediately bringing him sorrow.

Phasma: You took one of the hits from Finn to protect Phasma, she felt terrible but knew you did your duty to protect her as a soldier. She cradled you and whispered sweet things into your ear as you slowly died.

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