44| Vines They Quote

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Obi-Wan: "Do not fuck with me! Oh fuck!"

Anakin: "Life's short! Stunt it! Danger!"

Ashoka: "Do not fuck with me! Fuck-"

Padme: "Look at all those chickens!"

Qui-Gon: "Hurricane Katrina? More like hurricane Tortilla!"

Maul: "What did you get in your new chapstick? A skateboard! Later!"

Luke: "If she has beef with me! She's going to have beef with me foreva!"

Han: "I don't want to be cool anymore! Well I guess I don't have a choice."

Leia: "Today's vine is sponsored by drumsticks but you know what? Your kids ate them too quickly so they're not sponsored anymore."

Boba: "Pika Pika bitch."

Finn: "Spooky Scary Skeletons."

Poe: "Hey girl you like potato chips! If you do too bad dude I'm not sharing."

Rey: "If there are any spirits here tonight. Tell me. Does this sound like Shakira? Lelelele."

Kylo: "I said whoever threw that paper your moms a hoe!"

Hux: "Somebody touched spaghetti!"

Phasma: "Anybody home? Fuck fuck fuck, ass bitch. Fuck fuck."

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