54| Your Birthday PT.1

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Obi-Wan: Obi surprised you with a brand new lightsaber and robes similar to his. He said this was the closest he could get to displaying affection and that you two were one.

Anakin: Anakin was the guy who acted like it wasn't your birthday or didn't remember. You were hurt at first, but after awhile you discovered that every year he was planning something big. He'd normally throw big birthday parties for you despite your tantrums about it. He also bought you lingerie.

Ashoka: She bought you a new R2 droid. Obi and her also took you out to a fancy dinner.

Padme: You really didn't really have any friends outside of Padme's security group so she made sure that all of the senate and council said happy birthday to you. She'd also take you out on a date. She'd always buy you a single cupcake.

Qui-Gon: Qui-Gon would wake you up with a whole entire breakfast buffet in bed for you. He'd also make a few different kinds of tea and would treat you like the princess you are for the whole day.

Maul: You two never really celebrated your birthday or his.

Luke: Luke would take you to your home planet and go sight seeing. He would also bring you to see your family considering how homesick you were and missed them.

Han: Han would let you fly the ship for the whole entire day, he'd let you go anywhere you wanted and let you act like the captain of the ship.

Leia: Leia and you went to a fancy restaurant to celebrate on one of the more richer planets. During dinner Leia would surprise you with a new a necklace with her initials on it.

Boba: He bought you matching armor to his. He would also buy a cupcake for you and use a trick candle.

Finn: He bought you a Dalmatian puppy.

Poe: Poe would decorate the entire base and let everyone know it was your birthday. He'd also make sure everyone got you gifts and would tell you happy birthday.

Rey: Rey made you a cake from scratch and bought you a small bracelet since she didn't have much. She let you know how much she loved and appreciated you.

Kylo: Kylo got you a bouquet of flowers, well a lot of bouquets and would spread them throughout your room. He'd later come in and give you a small thing of chocolates.

Hux: He would take you out somewhere fancy and would give you a birthday card that had a paragraph written from the heart.

Phasma: She usually just told you happy birthday and you were okay with it.

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