52| They Find Out You Can Play the Violin

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Obi-wan: He thinks it's such a beautiful sound and can't help but stand there and listen.

Anakin: He can't believe you hadn't told him before. He adds this to his list of how wonderful you are.

Ashoka: She's surprised you hid this from her considering how much she enjoyed the sound a violin makes.

Padme: The sound relaxes her and she loves hearing it when she is trying to relax.

Qui-gon: He says it's so beautiful just like you.

Maul: You thought he'd think it was silly but he likes it. 

Luke: He likes it and loves seeing you try new pieces and learning.

Han: After he finds out you love the violin he finds you an even better one and gives it to you as a gift.

Leia: She heard you playing an old Alderaan song and told you that it was lovely.

Boba: He isn't surprised at all on how talented you are and even requests some songs from time to time.

Finn: Tells you that it's amazing and talks to you about where your love for music comes from.

Poe: He loves when you play and will even dance at some of the upbeat songs.

Rey: She loves it and even asks you to give her a lesson.

Kylo: Loves hearing you play it and makes sure to find you a new one if yours ever breaks.

Hux: He loves the classical sound and likes listening to it at the end of the day. He thinks it's very classy and sophisticated.

Phasma: At first you thought that she thought you weren't good so you were surprised when she kept coming into your room to listen to you play.

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