18| You Have Amnesia PT.2

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Obi-Wan: A few days all of your memories came back. You ran to his room and knocked on the door. The second he opened the door you threw your arms around him and told him you remembered.

Anakin: He took you to all the places you used to go to but nothing was helping. Then he saw some of your hair fall out of place and he moved it out of the way. Something about his touch brought your memories back and your face broke out in a huge grin.

Ashoka: She brought you all of your favourite things in hopes of your memory returning but nothing seemed to do the trick. One day she brought you flowers from your guys' first date and everything came rushing back.

Padme: Padme continued to go to the Senate meeting but was anguished. During the meeting, you couldn't concentrate because you couldn't seem to stop looking at Padme. Then she looked at you from across the room and when you made eye contact you could feel the flood of memories.

Qui-Gon: You told him the last the thing you remembered. He talked with you and tried to help surface your memories. You started remembering a little at a time. Just pieces here and there. He was patient and soon you remembered all of your time with him.

Maul: You tried and stay away from him but he kept trying to see you. You couldn't help but feel something every time he looked at you. So you started getting closer to him and he didn't seem so scary anymore. And then he swooped in for a kiss and everything came rushing back.

Luke: He looked so sad you couldn't remember him and you hadn't seen him smile once. You didn't even remember the guy but it broke your heart to see him like this. You told him you would do everything you could to remember and he gave you his beautiful smile in return. Your heart started pounding and your head was being flooded with memories.

Han: Han was distant from you. You were on the Falcon and heard him talking to Chewie. He was telling him a story he had told you a million times. Suddenly you started remembering lots of stories and memories and rushed in to tell him. He couldn't stop smiling.

Leia: The doctors said it would take time and Leia was impatient. She tried to spend as much time as she could but she also had her work to do. You missed her when she was gone and went to look for her. While walking to find her you accidentally tripped on some boxes and hit your head. This did the trick and you remembered everything.

Boba: Boba listened to you and hadn't bothered you. He also thought you were probably better off without him anyway. You would still see him on missions though. You noticed that he didn't seem to have the same spirit as he used to. You wonder if he could have been telling the truth. So one day you find him, pull off his helmet and kiss him. Turns out he was telling the truth.

Finn: Finn tried to explain that you were a couple but you couldn't seem to remember. He seemed so sad. You were still recovering and at night he offered to take walks with you and you two would talk about your times together. Slowly you remembered and he was so glad you did.

Poe: Poe was heartbroken you didn't remember him. Thankfully a few days later you hit your head while working on your X-wing and remembered everything. You rushed to Poe to tell him the good news and gave him a kiss.

Rey: She was patient and didn't pressure you to remember. One day while you were recovering she made you some soup. You told her she always made the best soup. Both of your eyes widened and you couldn't help but smile at each other.

Kylo: Kylo left you alone and was angry. He destroyed plenty of equipment. You didn't remember him but you were tired of his behaviour and went to confront him. When you did he stopped what he was doing and he took off his helmet. You saw how sad he looked and felt the need to comfort him. You went to give him a hug and felt everything come rushing back.

Hux: He kept talking to you but you only remembered the intimidating general. While you were in your room you found some of your old stuff including some holo-vids. You found some of you two together and they helped you remember. You went to find him and tell him the good news.

Phasma: She talked with you and trained with you. She hardly left your side. She knew if you saw her enough you would remember. In return, you felt so smothered you tried to see her less. One day you woke up and remembered everything and she was glad to have you again.

Lando: He had visited you every single day and dedicated time out of his busy schedule for you. He would talk to you about his journeys, your favorite stuff, almost anything for you to try and remember. While you never did remember, you fell back in love with him and created better memories which he was grateful for.

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